Last of May I asked my dealer to order a 2008, Touring, pkg 6 and after a day or so he said the '08 was not available and I ok'd a 2009 which I was told would be 3-4 months. Has anyone else experienced this? (Anxious in Kansas City)
did they give you pricing on the 2009 and any changes? that is what i am interested in. they are supposedly able to start ordering the 2009 june 10th. so hopefully they will know something by then.
I was told $28,804.00 and they received their first allotment last week but nothing that fit my order/request. (Toring pkg 6 with any color than green)
so they are already starting to get 2009s in? hmm, interesting. i will have to call the places i have deposits for.
I see no reason why a 2008 or a 2009 would be very satisfactory. I also heard that the 09 would not be any different then the 08. The only thing that would have changed my mind is if the next gen Prius would come out soon. It is not unless you think a year and some months is soon.
Well, I was lucky enough to buy my prius right before things started heating up. But I have been wondering about this...When they start shipping a lot of 09s, will the increased supply a lid on dealers demanding $$ over the MSRP? In other words, if someone is looking to buy in the next few months, will the 09s when in reasonable supply be similarly priced to the 08s that they are premium pricing now? I mean, I know hybrids will still be in demand whenever the 09s come out, but there should be more 09s to meet the demand, right?
I also ordered my Prius at the end of May in Lawrence Ks and was told basically the same thing. That it would be around 4 months and would be an 09 model. I had just called the dealer back on June 11th and asked if they had really ordered my Prius or were they just waiting for a match with their normal allocation. He told me that normally they only get what Toyota decides to send but with the wait list being so bad that they were only being allocated what was on their wait list. So in essence because I picked out my color and package they would be allocated that exact one by Toyota. Touring Spectra blue with package 5 is what I ordered btw and it will be at msrp.
I was told by my dealer that your "order" goes only as far as the dealer's "locator guy." (The guy who finds cars for their customers) One cannot "order" a Prius or any other Toyota. The dealer gets an allocation and they must take what they get or trade with other dealers when the car is still on the boat. And that's how we got our Green one (traded at sea). My Black one is still out there somewhere so I decided to change my request to any color package 6 touring. This will greatly increase the odds of me getting a Prius before you know what freezes over. It is nice to know that I'm #1 on the list...but where's my car? Oh here's a tip: When the car is still on the boat, your dealer can delete Toyoguard (or any other port installed option) and save you $699.00! I do not miss Toyoguard on the green one and will not on my (any color) one either.
I got lucky Tuesday. I went to the dealer to check into the Prius situation and was told the orders being taken would be for 09s, however, they just happened to be receiving two 08 package #1s (scheduled to come off the boat that day) and had nobody on the list for them. SOLD! I'm now waiting for it to make it from Portland to Milwaukee, and expect to be driving it by the 4th of July. I wanted Super White, but I'll be fine with silver.
For RtStuf, exbauer, & hairgal: If you look at this link : you'll see that they won't even start production of the 2009 models until August of this year (08/08) & their deliveries won't start until Sept 16th (west coast) through Oct 31st (on the east coast). So, since the dealer could only start taking orders for the 2009's on June 10th, he probably just meant that he got his 1st allocation of the MONTH of June (there are 2 allocations per month) & NOT his 1st allocation of the 2009's [check out the window stickers when they come in (in about a week or 2)]. The stickers will probably also reflect the $400 price increase that took effect in mid-May (just because the price is higher, don't let them convince you that they are 2009's---they won't even be making them for another month & a half). Hairgal, even though you may be on a long list that won't let you get your delivery until January of 2009, I still think you will see the 2009's start coming into your neck of the woods by at least early November (depend'g on which coast your cars are shipped from). Ken (in Bolton,Ct)
not if it is as last aug 07 i started looking for an 08, very little to choose from until around november 07 at which time i was able to haggle a few hundred dollars off msrp..from then until about april 08 i noticed supply up slightly but then gas shot up and prius supply dropped to 0. dont think it will be the same for 09's since i hear the production run will be limited due to the arrival of next generation