The fu seems too blatant; but, I do recall a story online about someone hoodwinking a dmv into issuing a plate that read "f opec"
I tried "F 4N OIL" and it got denied (CA). SO I did "CO2 (hand) OIL" (stop CO2 and oil). Tough to make a statement on numerous topics with only 6-7 digits.
That has to be one the best personalized plate statement ever! Too bad I could never get that plate in the ...politically correct... State of California. I'll try for: "heart symbol" my HYBR "heart symbol" N D MPG NOW "heart symbol" MPG I "heart symbol" D MPG or I "heart symbol" DA MPG Suggestions anyone???
DUAL PWR Saw that driving around the past few days. I am looking at EVERY Prius I pass, te hee. I won't be getting a vanity plate; with 14 pets in the house, the money is better spent elsewhere.
I shouldn't help perpetuate a stereotype (lord knows there are enough floating about for Wisconsin) but I had to forward your post to my sister. She and her husband are contemplating a retirement move to Arkansas and a move from the North to the South, regardless of reasons, is still a big deal. Well, your post really fit the situation and made me chuckle.
For the more "militant" among us, there's always GRN PEAS Also, anyone in Ohio that's interested in spreading the "CUT CO2" message, it is available...
How 'bout THBBFT ? Its onomatopoetic for the old "Bronx Cheer," sometimes called a "raspberry." For its specific relevance for use on a hybrid, go here: It fits on a license plate a lot easier than, "Kiss My Grits!" [Edit] "Mooning" as you drive by gas stations is purely optional. Mature Discretion Advised: These six letters may be the ultimate statement. Arguably, they can piss off everybody who can "read" them; * the tail gate-er; I'm might be doing only the speed limit, but I'm in front of you. * the SUV owner; Your mistake is not my problem. * the gas station owner; I'll see you next month. * other folks in a traffic jam; You got it, no engine sounds, and its 72 deg in here. * coworkers; I get a Christmas bonus every month. Strangely, or perhaps only coincidentially, it's very close to the "motor" sound made by little boys... of all ages.
Since my goal is to make a difference and my pursuit of that with Prius has quite literally taken me where no one... .