Using the ideas on here about filling the tank slowly, I had my first fill up today at 459 miles, actually I had ran out on the way to church!!! anyway it held almost 12 gallons ,I was very surprised..I kept wondering when it was gong to stop, finally I just pulled the nozzel out and when I did gas went everywhere plus it was bubbling like it was getting air..any ideas on what was going on.
What speed were you pumping....the Prius like its gas pump nice and slow.....and it doesnt take too long on the slow setting, I can normally get in and out before everyone around me.
the speed I was filling was very slow, actually hand pumpiing did not use the auto pump..I am wondering why it did not signal it was full and why the bubbling?
Weird. I've heard rumors of fuel pumps that can vent gas back into the underground tank ... just rumors. What was your total gas? Since you ran out of gas, I think you'll find your subsequent fill-ups when the 'flash' starts will be a lot more consistent. GOOD LUCK! Bob Wilson
Pump nozzles vary in sensitivity and they do wear out. A general rule seems to be: - pump slow for maximum fill, but risk overflow - pump fast for reliable shutoff, but less fill I avoid overfill because it wastes fuel and creates some risk of damaging the tank bladder and/or the vapor recovery system, both of which are expensive repairs.
Filling up your tank shouldn't be this complicated. Put nozzle in tank opening. Squeeze nozzle filling tank until auto shut off engages. Tank "should" be full. The failure by Toyota to make something so simple is alarming. There should be no risk of damage by ensuring one's tank is full!
Pump ... When that happens and if there is a significant spill, note the time, date and point out the problem to the clerk. For good measure, get the owner/manager's name and phone number in case there is a problem with the tank later. Check the archives but Gallexy (sp?) posted a great thread about what can happen to a Prius tank that gets overfilled. Pumps do fail and can damage our cars. Bob Wilson
I told the clerk, and pointed out that I had put in more gas than the tank would hold..didnt get a response..but I know the amount I pumped and the price..46.62 cents with 11.80 around 1. I searched and could not find the post by galaxee about the problems from over filling..can someone help me with that or tell me what might indicate there is a problem.
I had a similar problem but the tank was not overfilled. The pump had only added just over five gallons which should have been only 3/4 of a tank of gas. Still when I removed the pump nozzle, gas went spurting everywhere. I was a bit shocked but the attendant was rather ho hu.
If you have overfilled the gas tank, my suggestion is that you try to drive at least 25 - 30 miles as soon as possible to use up 1/2 gallon or more. That should give you enough "headroom" in the tank in the event that hot weather causes the gasoline to expand. If you don't have any warning lights on, then you don't have to worry about a problem. My guess is that if the pump charged you for 11.8 gallons and you did not spill a significant qty on the ground, then the pump overstated the volume of gasoline pumped.
My guess would be the pump and not the Prius. I actually had a situation last summer when I was putting gas for my lawnmower in my gas can and the pump got stuck on wide open and would not shut off. I had to start screaming to get someone's attention inside the store, since they did not have a call button on the pump. Then the attendent actually had the nerve to complain to me that they would have to call somebody to come clean it up. All the while, I have gas seeping through my socks and shoes.