Just wanted to say hello, and say I'm looking forward to learn about the Prius from all of you, and hopefully purchase one in the next year or so. I'm going to rent one from my local dealer next weekend so I can get a feel for it, so I'm excited about that. I'm currently driving a 2004 Chevy Impala SS, which usually gets 17 - 19 mpg (and requires Premium Unleaded). With Premium past $4 a gallon here in Cleveland, it's hard to swallow a $63 fill up every week and a half to two weeks depending on how much I drive. Jason
welcome to the forums. i don't try very hard to maximize mileage, i've average 48 over the life of the prius... 23000 miles so far. the $ savings over my prior 15mpg vehicle is substantial
Hi Jason, Welcome. It sounds like you'll be buying either a 2009 model (the last of the 2nd Generation Prius) or the 2010 model (the first of the 3rd Generation Prius) that's supposed to come out in Spring 2009. I'm looking forward to seeing Cleveland and environs again soon. I'll be going out there for the Columbus Day Weekend.
Thanks for the welcome messages! I went to Motorcars Toyota in Cleveland Heights today and made my reservation for next weekend (6/7-6/8). $55 for Saturday and Sunday. I'll pick it up Saturday morning and it has to be back by 8:30 Monday morning. So I'll probably drop it off late Sunday night. I'm going to ask them how much it is to rent one for a whole week because in July I'll be going to PA for 4 days, and it may be more cost effective to rent a Prius than it will be to take my car and put gas in it. While I was there there I saw about 4 or 5 Prius' (or Prii??) on the lot, and I'm assuming they were available for purchase. I don't think they would have them out like that if they were already sold. If your close to Cleveland you might want to check them out if your having trouble finding one...
When we went to pick up our car this week it was on the lot. The dealer had been offered bribes to sell it before we picked it up but held it for us (as he should). I think you'll like the Prius much better than the Impala.
Well I guess this answerers the question as to why they had so many on the lot while I was there, from last nights news: MyFox Cleveland | News Consumer Home I must say it's an interesting program.
It is interesting. Basically pay $800 to get the car immediately instead of waiting 6 months. Someone else from the Cleveland area started this thread about whether it was worth $800 more to get it now: http://priuschat.com/forums/prius-main-forum/48255-800-skip-6-month-wait-list-worth.html
I picked up the rental this morning and I must say that I love the exterior and interior styling of the car. When I got in, and took off, I was surprised at how touchy the brakes are. I've already gotten used to it though. Another thing I noticed the lag or small delay when you hit the gas, but I think it just me. I'm used to a supercharged V6, and I can't expect that same acceleration from the Prius. I drove it 100 miles so far, and I've averaged 43 mpg, but that's because I'm trying to drive it like my regular car. Overall I really like the car and all the little extras inside, and if I didn't owe more on my car than they would probably give me a trade for it and if I had a couple g's do put down, it buy one yesterday. I'll be sad when I drop it off tomorrow night...
Well I dropped the car off last night, and I was sad. I really enjoyed driving the car. I really wish it was financially feasible for me to buy one this year. I drove the car 156 miles and averaged 42.5 MPG. Saturday and Sunday were both 90+ degree days, so everytime I drove the car I had the air on. It cooled down on my way to take the car back because it stormed really bad and we got some much needed rain. I also think that my driving contributed to the lower mpg average. I was driving it like my normal car, and didn't try any of the techniques I read about on here. I put gas in it before I took it back, so that's why the MFD only shows 27 miles. It reset when I filled it up. (Which only took three gallons!) Overall I loved the car and look forward to purchasing one next spring/summer.