Is it worth purchasing a Scan Gauge II for a Prius?? There is a rudimentary mileage display built into the car!! Are the other features worth the $160.00 cost?
its only worth it if you think so - just having a temp gauge does it for me (but I don't have one, yet)
If you ever throw a code on any of the vehicles you own, the value of the device will immediately become obvious. .
You can also get a RPM indication, and IGN (Ignition Timing) indication on a Scan Gauge which is helpful for super highway mode (45 to 55 mph continuous) . With those indicators you can stay in SHM more easily, and this will boost the mileage about 10 mpg at those speeds. (60 to 70 mpg).
I don't use the SG2 mileage display, I use all the other gauges. Remember a Prius doesn't have water temp, voltage or rpm gauges, a SG2 allows you to see this information. So yes a SG2 is worth it. Not to mention the code reset ability. I purchased two cables, one is wired behind the dash in my Prius. I just unplug the SG2 head unit out of my Prius and use the other cable for my other car. The SG2 has already paid for itself in my other car, I had codes (turned out to be nothing) and was able to reset them. A stealership would have overcharged me for sure to check the codes and do the reset.
Agreed with the others. In addition to what they list, SG also shows current trip MPG, the day's MPG, the previous day's MPG, and tank MPG. And because it's plug & play with little configuration and no permanent installation required, it is easily moved between cars.
Pretty much wherever you like, assuming it's mounted at all. I had mine attached to the dash with velcro just to the left of the MFD. Others have mounted it more elegantly and in other places: on the far left end of the dash, by the rear view mirror, in the plastic tray below the radio, and atop the steering column. Search around and you'll find threads describing various options. (I speak in past tense regarding mine only because I swapped it out for CAN-View.)
I'd like to thank all of you that responded. Based on your feedback I have purchased a ScanGauge II!!
+1 on getting a better understanding of what's going on under the hood with the ScanGaauge. I think it was Doc Willie who recently said, "Better information = Better understanding = Better MPG. I attribute at least 5 MPG of my typical 50+ daily round trip MPG to having a ScanGauge. So roughly 10% of MPG... 10% of $4.00 US per gallon of gas is $0.40. Now that $0.40 can be looked at as either savings, or SG payoff. I could say that my SG was paid off at around 40 gal. of gas used. Just being able to check for "thrown codes" is worth something. But should there actually be thrown codes, being able to read them, and then in turn find out what they mean, and get really competent comment and advise here on PriusChat , is priceless. The SC would be paid off instantly. And all the while you'd be racking up fuel savings... Ka-ching, ka-ching, ka-ching! In short, there are many disadvantages to not putting a ScanGauge in a Prius.
I mounted my SG2 in the tray below the radio. Take out the felt bottom, drill a hole in the back bottom of the tray big enough for the cable to fit. The SG2 head unit fits snug in the tray without further mounting and stays put just fine. By putting it in this place, you can close the tray cover to keep your SG2 hidden when not in use. If you ever totally remove your SG2 then you can put the felt bottom back in the tray, completely covering the hole and you wouldn't even know the hole was there.