I've successfully added some dial by voice names, but when I push the magic button, it asks me to dial by number. How do I switch it? I feel like an idiot. Thanks.
In te phone screen hit talk button and then say "dial by name" That worked on our 06 By the way we love!!!! our Prius
I've been using "number" and "name", no other words needed, the Nav Lady seems to understand. Edit: I wish I could change her voice, to say, Cat Deely. Love the British accent. ZC1
I've noticed that when I'm stopped the system defaults to asking for a number (assuming, I guess, that since you're not moving you can push the number buttons on the screen). If I'm moving, the system asks me for a command, then I say "dial by name" and all is well.
If the car is moving, begin by pressing the Off-hook switch. That will put the speed dial screen on the MFD. Now press the VR talk switch, and say "dial by name", or "dial by number". If you chose name, It will then take you to the phonebook screen ,where you press the talk switch and it prompts for name. (Contact names must have been previously recorded by you). IF you choose number, it will take you to the keypad screen and when you push the talk switch it will prompt for the number. Voice recognition works really well for me, but the process is tedious because of all the back-and-forth command-response stuff gets old. I just use speed dials for the routine numbers and my actual phone for the rest. It all works the same way when you are not moving, but you can begin the "dial..." commands, with the talk switch, from any screen. (The fact you have to begin by pushing the off-hook switch ,while moving, is a flaw IMHO> (Otherwise the command-response routine has an unnecessary need to repeat the command).