I'm getting a prius as my first car in about 3 months. Everybody is telling me to get the 09 but from the pics ive seen i liked how the 08 looks A LOT more. Ive gotten used to the hatchback look and i'm startin to prefer it over regular coupes and sedans. I know nobody knows for sure, but what would be the pluses to buying an 09, because the only way i would buy one is if there are any important changes. Also if anybody has any links to 09 prius pics/ideas of pics could you please post. If there's anything else i should know, please inform me. thanks
Strange that no one has replied to you yet. Unless something changed, the 2009 model year will be a carryover from the 08 year, no changes at all. The 3rd generation Prius was due to be released in late 2008, but there was delay due to problems trying to use new Li-Ion battery, which will not be used initially. Word is the next generation ought to hit the showrooms by next Spring (April?) and will be called a 2010 model. I don't think there are any legitimate pics of the 3rd generation and word is Toyota waits until the last minute to announce and next Gen car. They already have a great thing going with this Gen.
. There is a lot of info on this topic by searching PC. Sounds like you've made your decision between '08 vs '09 (described in your 1st post). But. Have you considered a GenIII? The reasons I say get the GenIII(2010 model out in 2009) are: Beefier engine, big improvement in mpg, the 4 years of extra Toyota research, and all the other new goodies yet to be announced. If I were without a Prii today, if I could, I'd wait till GenIII. The waiting list for an '08 is so long anyway! If only choosing between the '08 vs '09, I'd get the '09 for better trade in value when you want the GenIII later .
I, too am trying to decide on an 08 or 09 Prius. Where can I find info on Gen III? It this worth the wait? Janieg
The thing is that I don't have a car now, and don't really want to wait an extra 7 months to get the 2010. I know you said that 08 and 09 are the same, but could the please enlighten me on the small differences. I know Toyota wouldn't make a new prius without is having some sort of difference. Also what is the guess for how long the wait is to get a spectra blue prius, because I want to get one at the beginning of September so I want to know when I should order my car. thanks
As you can guess Toyota like most manufactures don't say much about unanoused (sp?) products, it might cause a lack of sales but would place my order ASAP if you want it in a few months.
I am pretty sure that information hasn't been released yet. You might find more information in the 2010 Prius forum, which is a subforum of the Main forum. Good luck in your decision.
I would think it would be best to get on some type of waiting list since the Prius is a hot item at the moment.
Not a Prii in sight '08 or '09 till December (on the Greens Toyota lot) my dealer says --Good thing I got mine when I did