GM, DOE, and Natural Resources Canada to host EcoCAR

Discussion in 'Prius, Hybrid, EV and Alt-Fuel News' started by atroader, Jun 4, 2008.

  1. atroader

    atroader Engineer

    Apr 9, 2007
    Atlanta, GA
    2007 Prius
    EcoCAR: The NeXt Challenge

    It seems that GM is enlisting competitive help from national labs ( and universities to come up with ways to retrofit their cars for the future... It's too bad they didnt do this 5-10 years ago...

    CAPTAIN_JAMES New Member

    Jun 4, 2008
    Atlanta, Ga
    Other Non-Hybrid
    All they need to do is dust off the EV1 production line in the Saturn plants. GM had the car that would have ended, or reduced, our dependence on Mid East oil over ten years ago. GM blew it, they bowed down to the almighty $$$ from Big Oil, D.C. politics, and their own damn greed. I've heard all their excuses and they don"t wash with me; 1) not enough demand, 2) too many problems with the batteries, 3) people want a car that can be filled up and go, 4) people think it's too ugly.

    Well excuse me but; 1) there was a waiting list for the car from day one, so the not enough demand was a crock. 2) the original batteries were lead acid, even in 1998 I never had to add water to my lap top, cell phone, or grand dad's hearing aide battery, so it was obvious GM didn't use the best battery available at the time, and how much had battery technology advanced since then. 3) the first gen EV1 did have to charged for at least 8 hours, but again that was more a reflection on the substandard batteries GM used. Again my lap top can be recharged in less than an hour, and if the car has at least a 150 mile range that is over 95% of my monthly driving. If I want to go on a long trip on vacation, then it's time to dust off the SUV. 4) Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, if you want to have a beauty contest for cars, I'm game. As long as it's held at the local gas station, in the check out line.

    If you ask me GM had this country by the short hairs and THEY BLEW IT.

    They were more interested in selling their Hummer because it brought in more $'s. So it would not bother me to sit back and watch GM rot in hell. The news this week was GM closing down 4 or 5 plants, including the entire Hummer line. I will never own another GM product.
  3. hiremichaelreid

    hiremichaelreid New Member

    May 8, 2008
    Ottawa/Aylmer, Canada
    2008 Prius
    OK, so they want University profs and students to do the expensive, time-consuming research and testing for them, at a fraction of what they would pay their own people.

    I hope GM is smart enough to learn something from them...