Okay, like many MINI owners do, NO SPARE and just carry fix-a-flat. The MINI is the car I desire. But only 4 seat belts.
Well i'm expecting a price around 35. Really it depends on just how much better it is than the Toyota prius. If it doens't have the lithium and better MPG or plug in capability, I will probably lean toward the toyata. I'm willing to pay 10k more to get luxry, handling, and maybe a more advanced battery.
then you clearly dont want a prius, try the local bicycle shop prius is about the future, its about new technology; power everything.
Well, I'd like some other sort of "-us", perhaps. If not a Pri, maybe the stripper model could be the Joe-us, or Com-us; has that blue collar ring to it.
Joe-us Shmo-us - no Lexus. Hilarious - But I still like the electronics and probably would do 35 if the performance and efficiency (power-train - Li combo) was worth the extra ducets. The volt is going to be wearing a very blue colar bow-tie? Someday...
I would like the Lexus hybrid to have the styling of the IS sedan. I had an IS250 and loved everything about it except for the unusable backseat. It was fun to drive and very comfortable.
already have a prius and my gf wants to replace her GS350 with another Lexus btw: whats the expected MPG on that bad boy???
A few years ago, yes. Lexus was launched in Japan in 05 or 06. Infiniti and Acura are soon to follow. I mean, they already have the cars there anyway, it's just that they're badged as Toyotas, Nissans and Hondas instead.
Plus Toyota gave them cool names.. like Soarer (sc430) and Prado (GX470) I guess those names are that "luxurious" in terms of marketing here in US...
Well yes, the model number reflect displacement... something that germans were doing for awhile (to certain extent.. of course there are exception of some BMW models and such where 323 in late 90s didnt have 2.3 liter.. it had 2.5 but it was marketing thing because they wanted to make a sense of bigger different b/t 328 and 323 model). I kind of think that when Lexus brand came out in the 90s, people laughed because they were thinking how can they compete with German automakers. Well, soon enough germans got their butt kicked in terms of reliability and service here in US. Luxus did start to "number" their models according to displacement or class of models like MB and BMW. Now, they got sub categories like the german cars.. MB has their S-class, SLK, CLK with different engine displacement numbers.. S550 S600, E350 E550... My point is that someone started this trend and made people remember car names easier... e.g " I have a G wagon... I have a 7 series.. I have a IS... i have a GS... instead of Corolla, Accord, Camry... It just associated people with higher "luxury" line of vehicle naming that people were used to calling luxury expensive German cars... Just my thoughts... :bounce:
Your wish is their command. IMO Mr Watanabe will make several announcements in Detroit next January. ... the much awaited Gen3 debut ... the anticipated Lex - Prius ... the two new Prius' ........strippie Prius such as a Yaris/Prius @$17K to $20K ........a minivan Prius? a utility Prius? a pickup Prius? ... Prius production in NA ... Tundra/Sequoia hybrids? ... Venza hybrid? ( this one is a no brainer IMO )