Hey guys!!! My lovely wife and I got a Prius today!!!!!! Well actually we won't actually get it until next weekend most likely but it is ours!!. We have a 500 deposit with a dealer but quite unexpectedly we sold our gas guzzling pickup today(after only having it on autotrader for three days) so we could not wait the 5-6 months to get a new Prius. So we hit the Internet hard and found a 2006 Driftwood Pearl with a package #7 55000 miles and we got it for 22000. I can't wait to get it!!!!!
Awesome! Pkg 7...nice. Congrats on the "soon to be yours" Prius. I have the Prius and a Toyota pickup, both of which I love considering the pickup still gets around 20mpg. Gotta love that Toyota quality and engineering. This truck just won't die at 20 years old and well over 200k miles. I hope to have the Prius that long as well. Again, congrats and welcome! -Dave.
Good for you and your wife. I believe the two of you have made a wise investment that will keep you both smiling for years to come. We bought ours in 2005 a week before hurricane Katrina made landfall and we have never, ever regretted it. In fact, ownership and operation just keeps getting better... It's funny to see people's interest piqued in regard to our car. That seems to happen every time gas prices climb to a new psychological threshold point (i.e. every time it nears or passes the next whole dollar). Neighbors who we've lived next to us for years have seen us driving the Prius countless times and they see it parked in the driveway every day yet they never expressed one ounce of interest until gas passed the $3.75 mark recently. Then it was, "Isn't this one of those cars that runs on electricity?" That, of course opens the door for a nice opportunity to educate them on the amazing features and characteristics of this incredible car. Believe me, you'll get plenty of chances to educate your share of the population. Just hang out here for a couple of months and you'll have a vast knowledge of concept, operation, modification and troubleshooting your car. All sorts of fun and interesting things will happen to you now that you have a Prius in the family. Oh, and beware - maximizing your mileage is addictive. Enjoy!
Congratulations! We found a 2006 Red package 2 in Indiana and just drove it home yesterday! Loving it & I'm sure you will too!
There name is Davis and Williams Automotive, they are in Wake Forest, NC and were very very straight forward on the car. They sell a lot of cars on EBAY and have excellent reviews.
Hey Guys!! Well I just got home with the new (to us) Prius and it is AMAZING!!! The dealer did not even know that this Prius of ours has a EV button!! Filled the tank in Louisburg, NC and 352 miles later I pulled into the drive way and averaged 56.7mpg!!!!! That was all highway and I went anywhere from 55-65mph, we love our new Prius!!!!!
Well congrats on actually getting the car! They really are awesome aren't they? Without any other information than "this Prius of ours has a EV button", it sounds like you may gotten a car that was originally purchased outside of the US. As I understand it, the American version of the Prius never has had that little dealy. You might want to have a look at your manual and see if you can tell what country the car was originally marketed it. I'm suspecting Canada, but I don't remember if the Candian version has an EV button or not. The VIN plate in the driver's side door frame might tell you also. Of course, there's the obvious VIN itself, however someone else will have to contribute the structure of a US VIN.
actually I think it is a aftermarket like coastal, but this car is amazing! I just filled it today with two pips left and it took 7.4gals for a average of just over 56mpg
Or perhaps someone added the EV button. I'm not positive, but I don't think I've ever heard of EV switch here in Canada.
Congratulations on your new (to own) Prius kirkrv8 ! There's still 2 things you need to do though to be a Prius Chatter..... 1) Change your signature to Prius, not "Other non hybrid" 2) Post a couple of pics here in this thread so we can see you really got a genuine, honest to goodness, cute Prius