as we have our Prius on order, and were told we can add leather and seat heaters, I think that that is the way to go...Talk to you dealer about having it added by them
That would be neat. I'm wondering if it's an after-market item, or what; I don't see either option in the Toyota brochure, or web site. Durn how could I have missed that!
My 2000 GMC Sierra was the SLT model, as I wanted to have heated leather seats. Although the heat part worked dandy on those -40 days, I'd never want leather seats again. Once more moderate temps roll around, especially a hot sticky summer, you swear you'll be stuck to the seat and need an EMT to pry you off. Last summer I tried driving a couple of hours with my shirt off and I could have sworn I left skin behind on the seat when I finally pried myself off. That was not a good day. Canadian Tire has Obus Forme seats with the heat only, no massage. Am thinking of it. Maybe if I get my butt and back toasty warm, I won't feel so cold on these -30 and worse days.