This is hilarious! When you first start reading it you think the guy is really gonna miss the Hummer but keep reading!! ound: - RIP Hummer?
Really is funny! Especially the last part... "The Hummer is survived by one governor of California and not many pedestrians. No flowers, please. Donations, if desired, to the General Motors pension fund."
Sounds like another Freedom hater. Lets allow the government to decide what we can drive and what we eat. I hate choice. I have never seen any of the activities this person spews out from big truck owners. If your stuck in a snowbank which would you prefer to come and help, a hummer or a eco-box sardine can like a prius? I had a big truck and I was a very safe driver. I stopped an helped people all the time in winter driving. I even pulled a bus full of people out of the snow. I pulled out several hondas and a few other small cars that were stuck. Im really getting sick of the smug attitude of small fuel efficient car owners that think they are more superior then others who choose to drive a much safer large car or truck. Not everyone can use a small car for work. If your a farmer or contractor you need a pickup and probably a 4x4. This "US" VS "THEM" divisive attitude is really getting old. I guess making fun of other people is a mental disease. And NO I did not find your link "Funny".
It's a shame apparrently the Hummer is going to die. I almost bought one three years ago, thank god I didn't. The way things are going pretty soon only the super rich or people with a specific purpose will be able to use gas guzzler vehicles. I'm waiting for the bottom of the boating industry to fall out soon too.
Wow... "freedome hater"?? LMAO.. dude.. chill. Believe it or not, people can have an opinion without being a facist, a hater, anti-American, etc.. and as far the Hummer goes... NO ONE is using those for work because they need it... Unless you're in the desert.. fighting a bad war...
Hummers in Beirut: Trendy tanks for the city’s rich kids ...The teenagers drive to a car park in Beirut, park their cars and clamber into Nabil’s shiny black truck. Each night the same ritual repeats itself: bursting with pride they loop around town on a journey whose very point is the Hummer itself and not the places they go. They prefer busy districts where there are enough eyes to satisfy their vanity. There are certain neighborhoods where you are more likely to see Hummers: Al-Rosha Corniche, Downtown, Mono Street or Al-Jamiza. All these areas have one thing in common: lots of shops and lots of people. The Hummer in front of me on Al-Rosha Corniche wasn’t going anywhere in particular. Like many of the pedestrians on the pavements, the cars are there to wander, to be seen. When it reached the end of the road, the Hummer swung around onto the other side of the road and proceeded back up the Corniche in the opposite direction. Hummer drivers also like adding to the chaos in narrow streets packed with partygoers and revelers. Favorite spots include Mono Street, Al-Jamiza or Bilees Street near the American University in Al-Hamra. Nabil and his friends head for these streets when they are at their most congested and impassable. The traffic doesn’t bother them: they have no objection to being stuck there all night. They switch on the sound system, turn the sound up high and roll the windows down so they can see and be seen by passers-by...
Except that according to a DOE study you are roughly: -50% more likely to die and almost 3X more likely to kill another driver driving a Tahoe compared to a Camry. -60% more likely to die driving a compact pickup compared to a Civic. -65% more likely to die and 4-6X more likely to kill another driver in a full sized pickup compared to an Accord. -2.5X more likely to die driving an Explorer compared to an American minivan. Is Bigger Safer? It Ain't Necessarily So I don't think choice or freedom has anything to do with it. US automakers consciously decided to push SUVs and Trucks because they could make more money. Lots of people were perfectly happy to drink that coolaid. When a company puts profits ahead of the personal safety of their customers, the safety of everyone else on the road, national security, the environment, conservation of natural resources, etc that pisses me off. They have betrayed the American public, and through their negligence and greed have driven customers to buy imported vehicles causing a good deal of damage to our economy. As the effects of the coolaid have warn off, its pretty easy to get frustrated with those who still refuse to see that they were being used. Sorry to be repetitious, I know this is like the third time I've posted this, but it drives me crazy every time someone makes that claim. Rob
Why are you here? I'd most likely get a tow truck to pull me out. Then again a Suzuki Vitara with snow chains would most likely do the job. I thought this was a very funny line; Faced with the choice between driving in the left, right or centre lane, the Hummer offered the indecisive motorist the option of driving in all of them.
ROTFLMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! "In the collaborative Berkeley/Michigan study, researchers"........ SNIP Wow it looks like its NOT from DOE. Why not quote the truth instead of this spun to the left article. And we (the people with a brain) all know how neutral Berkeley is. I mean they would not dream of putting out a BIASED report. I can give you a report that says Prius's cause cancer and death to babies. So here is another report. Gosh Im not seeing any smart cars or toyota prius's in the Best rating. ............ Are Big Cars Safer? has a report about an interesting high speed frontal crash test on several big cars: 2006 Lexus GS 300, the 2005 Ford 500, GM's 2005 Buick Lacrosse, 2005 Acura RL, 2005 Toyota Avalon, 2005 KIA Amanti, 2005 Cadillac STS and the 2005 Chrysler 300. High speed frontal accidents, like those being tested at 40 miles per hour, are among the deadliest out there. But with today's technology, you should be able to walk away from them with no significant injuries. Brian O'Neill runs the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, a non-profit group funded by insurance companies looking to improve safety and reduce claims. The Institute buys cars right off dealer's lots and replicates what might happen if two identical cars run into each other. The 2006 Lexus GS 300, 2005 Ford 500 and GM's 2005 Buick Lacrosse received the best rating the Institute had to offer. Their dummies were protect by the safety cage and could have gotten up and walked away if they were not dummies. The dummy in the 2005 KIA Amanti would have sustained a leg injury, but all the cars tested porformed well: To recap, every large car in this round of tests is rated good. The only one that didn't get a "best pick" was the KIA Amanti. KIA tells dateline it's "disappointed," but "confident" that the Amanti is a "safe vehicle." By the way the Tahoe got 5 stars in a front or side impact.
problemchild, This may come as a shock to you, but you're likely to find people who like the Prius on a Prius forum. You talk about "freedom haters" who want to see the government decide what we drive. What are you talking about?? The "death of the Hummer" is 100% dictated by the Free Market. Demand for Monstrosity Class SUVs is going way down, so the suppliers need to cut back supply. That's got absolutely nothing to do with the government. I also find it surprising that "someone with a brain" would completely discount the results of a study done by two world-renowned universities simply on the basis of political views. Further, how can crash data be a politically polarizing issue?
The government is taking your Hummer away? I thought it was that no one was buying them. Please, show us these jack-booted thugs that are taking people's Hummers away.
That's a good question!!! lol Problemchild loves his Prius so much he's doing everything he can to change it.
Interesting sentence...."And we (the people with a brain)...." I guess you share it amongst yourselves and when you typed out that last bit of drivel, someone else was in possession of the brain. All insults aside..... There is a difference between Lawerence Berkeley Labs and the City of Berkeley. The former is filled with some of the best scientific minds in the country, the latter is filled with some of the best psychedelic minds in the country. I'd love to see your report, I'm sure it's filled with all sorts of holes that would make swiss cheese blush.... (BTW, I'm sure you are kidding about the report....but if you aren't....might I suggest you take the reports on high tension power lines causing cancer and just redac that portion which says "high tension power lines" and write (in orange crayon) "Prius" above it. It would look more professional that the silly Hummer dust report......
Well, they're rare to see out and about now-adays (the Hummers), but maybe I'll start carrying around a package of 'D' stickers... you know the kind you can buy at the hardware store to tack onto your mailbox when spelling your name... and impose the 'D' over the 'H'...
Yes, and we are starting with the Hummer. You caught us. Dang. This is about public safety and the environment (which in the end is about public safety). Get out more and you will, or would have since they're not being driven as much. I've seen Hummer drivers do horrible things on the road. Other drivers do as well but the difference is the size/weight of the vehicle. I've seen Hummers parked halfway ON the landscaping of the local mall because it wouldn't fit in the parking spot. And no, this is NOT the fault of the mall owner for having small parking spots. If I were stuck in a snowbank the last person I would expect to stop to help would be a person driving a Hummer. After all, they probably wouldn't care and the malls are closed in a snow storm so there's no reason to drive the Hummer. We need you in our area to teach driving to those with big trucks. When it snows in our area, its the smaller front-wheel drive vehicles that are left on the road and the big four-wheel drive trucks that end up in the ditch. We small car owners take the truck drivers home and they call a tow truck. I don't need to drive a big truck to work each day just in case I need to pull somebody out of a ditch, or in case a snowstorm hits. Big cars or trucks are not safer for the people around them. 2000 lbs weight difference is not safe. A vehicle with a bumper a foot or higher than the next car's bumper is not safe. It is smug to think you deserve to survive a car accident at the expense of the other vehicle's occupants. It's not smug to think for yourself. Not relevent to the Hummer in any way. However, the vast majority of this country was built before people had access to 4x4s. Nope, that's ignorance. To bad for you.
yeah, I noticed this too when I was up in tahoe for snowboarding. I dont recall ever seeing any compact cars on the side of the road, while plenty of suvs and a few trucks. I could only attribute this to the fact that compact car drivers are more like to be careful of their driving, be more conservative and safe on the roads because they dont have 4 wd to get them out of a tight situation while suv and truck owners are more likely to be cocky and rely on their vehicles to get them out of a tight spot.
RIP FUH2 | **** You And Your H2 BTW, the Hummers I see around here have more chrome than our troops in Iraq have body armor...