I bought my package 6 "satellite ready". From what i understand that just means that i can plug in a portable satellite unit in the auxillary. Is that true? Is the antenna for it the same antenna as the regular radio? Also i have seen many references here to the TOYSC1 Tuner and SCC1 interface. Do i still need these to get sirius in my car since my Prius is "satellite ready"? Is this just what the dealer would charge me to install to get sirius or would they install something else entirely? Another thing i have read around here is that of these will not have scrolling text and will not have the 4 second buffer for underpasses etc. If the dealer does the install would it have the scrolling/buffer or would i need the TOYSC1 and SCC1 to get that? Sorry for throwing so many questions at once but i think Toyota has made this confusing. Thanks!
AFAIK the "Satellite Ready" is the equivalent of HD Ready in TV land. You still need the tuner and antenna...a unit sold by Toyota and other aftermarket places...this plugs into the head unit (back of it) and then the 'ready' part means that it will display the song titles on the MFD and you can use all the controls to tune the songs and manage the XM just as you would the radio or CD or whatever.
I have a 2007 Base and looking to put XM in same. I assume that the radio unit (non navigation) is not compatable with the plug and play version. If it is, let me know, thanks
You can plug anything including a satellite tuner into the AUX in. Pros are that you can use all the features of the radio including replay, song seek, etc. Con is that you have to use the radio and its display -- it does not integrate with the Prius' screen. For an integrated solution, there are three options. First is the factory unit which has been on sale for a year or two. Pro is that it works with the MFD. Cons are that it doesn't have good reception and cuts artists and titles off at 10 characters. Second is the SCC1/TOYSC1 combo which just came out. Pros are that it's cheaper than the factory unit, and can display 16 characters and can scroll items longer than that. Con is that it doesn't have any fancy features (replay, song seek). The third option is to use the TOYSC1 with an SCVDOC1 dock for your existing Sirius radio (if it's supported). This works identically to the above option; you control the radio through the MFD and can't use any special features of the radio while it's docked. Pro is that you don't have to buy the SCC1 if you already have a dockable radio, and you don't need a second subscription to listen in another car or inside. You do have to take the radio with you. The only downside of the TOYSC1 vs. the factory tuner is that on the TOYSC1, the up/down buttons on the steering wheel bump the channel up or down by one. On the factory unit, they switch between presets which I think is more convenient.
Thanks everyone for your replies. I think i am a little more educated now as to what options i have now. How about the buffer for each of these options? I think i have read that the factory unit does not have the buffer for overpasses etc. where as the TOYSC1/SCC1 does have that. Would that be correct? If so i would rather have scrolling and a buffer and just tune the channels on the knob.
As far as I can tell yes, the factory unit doesn't have the buffer but the SCC1 does. That's why I settled on it -- I drive a freeway with overpasses every 1/2 mile, which meant a 1-2 second dropout every 30 seconds. With the SCC1/TOYSC1, I rarely have a dropout.
The Directed Electronics solution (TOY/SCC1) works great, and is more solid and reliable than others that I have tried in Toyotas. I had a VAIS in my 2008 Highlander, which is almost twice as expensive, and it did not work as well. I have never had to reset the system I put in the Prius, but I would have the VAIS system lock up on me about once a month. I have also added the Silverline iPod interface along with the TOY/SCC1, and they work together perfectly. I have a base model, by the way. The Sirius interface should work will all Prii, but I have heard of some issues with the iPod interface for some packages. One note, I suggest disabling "scroll mode," as it makes for a very "blinky" display. 16 characters is enough for most scenarios, and it works great. Good luck, and enjoy.
. With your sat ready Prii, if you have a portable Sirius receiver already, or have not chosen whether to buy a portable vs static receiver, I'm in favor of portable + TOYSC1/SCC, which gives you Sirius in your car(OEM style) + the portable option to take your Sirius out of the car to any other player/docking station. .
I just had the dealer install Sirius...in my 2008 PK#2 it is really slick.. when you hit the mod button it changes to Sat1, Sat2 and Sat3 24 presets in all... interesting you have to set the audio setting - they do not remain from the FM or AM settings. It sounds great ..
I just cant understand why the dealer install package would not have the buffer. That just does'nt make any sense. You would think this deep into the satellite radio technology ALL of them would have some kind of buffer for overpasses etc.
If anyone is having an problem with the TOY-SC1 being of lower VOLUME than am/fm try this: 1.Turn stock radio system on,switch to SAT operation 2.Rapidly enter on the stock radio presets buttons the following code: 1-6-2-5-3-4. 3. The audio level will toggle to the new setting, which you will hear immediately if enter correctly 4.If no audio change repeat step 2 5.check the audio level on similar channels from SIRIUS to FM, then CD Default from factory setting for TOY-SC1 is LOW volume setting. I hope this helps.