Good people, I am soliciting advice on the Motorola Razr V3 phone and its compatiablity with the Prius. So far I cannot find the tech data on the phone itself in regard to its file transfer capabilities, because that is the key area of being able to make the phone's ring tones work in the car audio system and its phone numbers transfer capability. This is an expensive phone and the best deal on it is at where after the rebate the phone costs under 300.00. At that price point I will take the Cingular service agreement for two years since I also get the 30 day trial period as well. The local Cingular store says they can transfer the phone numbers from my present moto verizon phone to a new Moto Razr V3 for me. Has anyone gotten this phone? It would most likely pay for itself with increased productivity if I can place and take calls while keeping my eyes fully on the road. I have hands free kits before that had the shortcomings of poor speakers but the JBL system shines on voice from what little I can tell. It isn't the best bass punch, thats for sure.
Robert, Click HERE to check out a relevant thread. Also, I believe Father Bill (frbill) has one and has reported it works pretty well with his Prius. Maybe he'll post here or you can PM him.
One other thing before you dump your present (I presume V710) phone; you should be able to use Moto's Mobile Phone Tools to transfer your phonebook, etc., from your V710? to the RAZR. mPT LINK Pricey from Moto but can be had for much less: Try here, for example: NOTE: You might need a different USB cable for your V710 if you don't have one already. You can usually pick one of those up on ebay for 5 or 6 bucks including shipping.
I saw that thread some time ago, no feedback on whether loads ringtones to the car so you hear the phone ring through the car. The battery talk time, standby time is most impressive. I hate spending my time attaching cell phones to chargers all the time. Surely someone knows more about this phone with the Prius. I don't know how to PM Father Bill either, I'll check on the mechanics of that.
I have a V3 and a 2005 Prius #6. Your ringtones do not ring through the Prius speakers, it's a generic ring. The phone treats the Prius like a giant bluetooth headset.