not sure where they got their "engine noise" from, but it sounds like something being dragged along the pavement. Fake engine noise makes electric cars safer
Why don't we just bang two coconuts together like in Monty Python and the Holy Grail. If they don't hear that we can throw the husks at them.
I'd recommend an advanced thrumming noise. Something that would produce a clear doppler. Noise in the in the towns should still turn out to be lower since cars like trucks along with buses will make very similar sound as a smaller automobile.
Mine is going to sound like a Harley. Not that BS on the video. When the grad student was saying "I got the skills to make it happen" I was thinking: fat lot of good that Stanford education did you. I wonder who will get the first ticket for not making the minimum required amount of noise?
LOL it sounds exactly like a skateboard on a rough road. Dog your exactly right they could have made it sound like anything why cr*p it up with that stupid sound. Heck I've seen a device somewhere that has speakers outside the car (read subwoofer) and you can make your car sound like any vehicle out there. G
Oh no, that is not going on my car! The muted, "at-peace-with-itself" operating sound of the Prius is one of the main things I love about this car. On the other hand, I understand the need for some kind of audible sound for the visually impaired; measures probably need to be taken but not this raucous piece of garbage.
How about a police siren noise, or perhaps a megaphone and microphone so that we can verbally announce our presence .... or maybe an even better idea .... FOR THE PAST 100 YEARS, THE DRIVER OF THE CAR HAS BEEN RESPONSIBLE FOR RUNNING OVER PEDESTRIANS? HAS THIS SOMEHOW CHANGED IN THE PAST MONTH? IS THERE A SPECIAL LAW FOR THE PRIUS ONLY THAT SAYS THE BLIND PEDESTRIAN IS REPSONSIBLE? BLIND PEOPLE - DON'T WORRY - I PROMISE THAT IF I SEE YOU WALKING IN THE CROSS WALK, I WILL NOT RUN OVER YOU. AND THE POLICE OFFICER WATCHING THE INTERSECTION WILL BE YOUR WITNESS. Again, I reiterate that many times I have been walking in a parking lot to turn around and see a brand new ICE car less than 10 feet away, and with no audible sound. How come blind people don't complain that ICE cars need speakers on them?
This is another case of the tail wagging the dog. If there are any new laws, they should be to lessen noise pollution, not add to it. In noisy urban areas, nobody can discern the noise made by an individual slow moving car. So how do you solve that problem for the blind? Make all cars noisier? The correct answer to this problem is a device which would warn the blind person to an approaching object. My guess would be an ultrasonic Doppler transmitter/sensor worn by the blind person. FOR EVERYONE ELSE: Your mom told you to LOOK both ways before crossing a street, not listen both ways.
You can tell they are at Stanford. Anyone in snow country who looks at the speaker locations will just laugh and laugh and what happens to those places in the winter. How loud will it be encased in frozen slush. And I can't agree more with the comment on the responsibility of the driver to not hit pedestrians, and that many ICE cars can be just as stealthy - although the blind probably have more tuned ears.
I'm all for it !! Gimie a nice low vibrating rumble too, like a downhill trucker with the jake brake slamed. You'll FEEL me coming. While were at it, I'M working on a scent that will simulate unburned gas ... just so folks will know i'm comin' ... blind ... deaf ... the only sensory gland left being smell? I'm ready for ya. Any my whinie requests ? .
I had to move this thread because it was breaking the front page for IE6 and IE7 users for some reason. Something tells me it's because they're still using IE
be very carefull while inputting on your PC. You may bump into it. Maybe we ought to put gas generaters on our PC's ... and refrigeraters etc. so we can hear them running ... and not bump into 'em.
Only in America! Sorry guys, but sometimes the truth hurts. Of course if this goes through, the Con-servative govt. in Canada will be tripping over themselves to follow!
As soon as I heard that idiotic rumble, I knew this is really about students at Standford looking for government funding. How has the silence issue become such an epidemic that it must be addressed by laws at the Federal level? ZC1
What about people with impaired sense of smell? How are you going to protect them? :madgrin: If they actually enact legislation to mandate a minimum noise level, I suggest that we organize a rally for hybrid vehicles. We will show up in Wash DC, crank up the volume and drive in circles as close to Capitol building as possible. I think this could be really effective if we can get a couple of hundred thousand cars to participate. Mine will sound like a Harley with straight pipes. I didn't go to Stanford, but I did get an engineering degree, so I got the skills to make it happen.