I just set up my bluetooth. I am able to make outgoing calls via the prius bluetooth. but when I have incoming calls, the phone doesn't ring in my car. I can "see" the calls coming in on my cellphone, and I can even answer the call in my car, but I never hear it ringing on the prius bluetooth. Am I missing something? Also, how do I transfer my address book from the v710 to the prius?[font=Verdana:06aa0c5b56] [/font:06aa0c5b56] </span><span style=\'color:#\'>
Re: Bluetooth doesn't "ring" when I have incoming Oh boy! See the following thread: http://www.priuschat.com/forums/motorola-v...?highlight=v710 Bottom line: There is no audible ring and the phonebook transfer can't be accomplished without the intervention of another device (e.g. BT enabled laptop, PDA, etc.).
...when using the 710. I get an audible ring when using my v551, albeit not MY ringtone, but at least it rings.
Let me guess, you have Verizon, the Model T of cellular technology where they turn off nearly all Bluetooth features so they can charge you out the wazoo. Verizon. We never stop charging you.
Re: Bluetooth doesn't "ring" when I have incoming Well, again, I am forced to reiterate that it doesn't ring in the car. It does, however, ring everywhere else, including a bunch of locations where I can't even get a signal with other wireless providers. Soooo, my alternative would be to switch providers in order to get fully functional BT in my Prius but, along with that, suffer through a bunch of dropped calls and no signal in many places.
Well, it won't ring in the car because Verizon has the manufacturer delete the file transfer needed to make it ring, as well as transfer of the phone numbers to the car. I am REALLY thinking of getting a Razr V3 from Cingular for that www.buy.com deal for under 300.00 and giving it a trial run. Yeah, I got the "we never stop charging you" bunch too. And boy, the whoppers they have told me. Why are the Bluetooth file transfer features disabled by Verizon? Rep answer in Verizon store: Because of safety concerns, sir! Hey, I want to add my daughter to the plan but you guys charge 20.00 a month instead of the 10.00 a month that every other cellular provider is charging for a second family line. Sir, the fine print on our competition is that you pay 20.00 after three months, that 10.00 is just an introductory offer. I have NEVER been so serially lied to by any company in a long time. Frankly, I have people report that other providers have about equal service now.
My only incentive to stay with Verizon is the over-10% discount I get through work. The Samsung A310 I'm using now *might* be the reason for the dropped calls and the messages I find when the phone never rings. However, other people have noticed lower bars of signal strength so maybe the area is suffering from user-overload. I'd love a Razr V3 at Cingular if the price was right...
I recently got the Motorola 551, and it does ring (not my selected ringtone) You can only load one number at a time into the phonebook...otherwise it is a great phone and Cingular has it at $99 after a $50 rebate. We continued with them after the ATT buy out. Finally enjoying the bluetooth after 4 months using my old piece of @#$% phone. Using the bluetooth will drain the battery very quickly, so a car charger is mandatory. Got one at Walmart for under $8...
Re: Bluetooth doesn't "ring" when I have incoming I finally got my v710 to ring in the car by upgrading to the new firmware. The new firmware version is 8700 1.40OR and Verizon has fixed most but not all the Bluetooth issues with it and in fact, they actually disable something else in the phone. But, SuperDaveX hacked the new firmware and put back in the newly disabled items. He calls it 8700 1.02SD This is the firmware I used. I tried to get my local VZW store here in SoCal to upgrade the phone to the latest version but they knew nothing about it. The new firmware was released in selected states in 12/2004. Since I couldn't get it anywhere around here I did the upgrade myself. If you're interested in doing the same here's the links you need. Go here (http://www.howardforums.com/forumdisplay.p...?s=&forumid=254) to learn about all the problems people are having with the v710. Go here (http://www.howardforums.com/showthread.php...15&pagenumber=8) or here (http://motov710.blogspot.com) for instruction on how to flash the firmware Go here (http://vzw.inetron.com) for all the files you need to upgrade the firmware and generally access the phone. The firmware images are in the IMAGES and CUSTOM IMAGES directories of the above server. You can also get the files from here (http://coma.fsb.hr/motorola/files) although they don't have the firmware images So, I still can't upload my directory to the car but at least the phone rings in the car and since I can use the 1key buttons for the few numbers I call, I really don't need the phonebook anyway. Good Luck '05 Prius, fully loaded, tinted windows, CoastalDaves XM, EV, and AutoDoorLock. 50mpg average.
i just got my Motorola V551 from best buy for 70 bucks with a two year contract. activation fee was only 10 bucks tooo.
Re: Bluetooth doesn't "ring" when I have incoming Hi Joe! have you read anything yet on HoFo as to whether the TF audio issue can be resolved with a seem edit on the "official" 40 release? I read it regularly but may have missed something.
Re: Bluetooth doesn't "ring" when I have incoming There are areas where Verizon (They never stop charging you) is an only choice because of coverage. My son in Montana has no good choice except Verizon. I am sorry for you. I am glad I live in an area where I have a choice. This whole 710 thing has been an eye opener for me. Several people warned me about them and I ignored them at my peril. I have never been so badly treated by a cooperate entity I have ever experienced. Good luck to you.
Re: Bluetooth doesn't "ring" when I have incoming Thank you. I'm normally hesitant to point out spelling errors and realize it's poor netiquette, but are you sure you want to characterize Verizon as a "cooperate" entity? :lol:
Re: Bluetooth doesn't "ring" when I have incoming Supposedly that's all the 8700 1.02SD is, the 'official' 1.40 OR release with a seem edit. It seems to me that I've read that others have performed seem edits to get back the TF copying but I can't be sure.
Re: Bluetooth doesn't "ring" when I have incoming That's OK I am used to being called on the carpet for spelling. It's not easy being dyslexic.
Re: Bluetooth doesn't "ring" when I have incoming Yes, I was just wondering whether anyone had actually performed the seem edit after the "official" flash done at a VZW store (as opposed to having done it after they flashed it themselves with the "beta" release).
Re: Bluetooth doesn't "ring" when I have incoming :lol: Had you spelled it any way other than "cooperate", I wouldn't have even mentioned it. After all the whackiness with the V710, I didn't think you wanted to use "cooperate" in connection with Verizon. :wink:
Re: Bluetooth doesn't "ring" when I have incoming A big AMEN to that Brother. To me in the right light they look the same. The curious thing is that the best thing that ever happened to me as far as my spelling goes is helping my kids, who both inherited my dyslexia. Trying to help them proof read papers, and work through their problem with educators and educational psychologists helped me recognize spelling errors. I guess I will fight this fight till the day I die. Damn you Marion Webster. No dictionary no standardized spelling. Let creative spelling rule :guns: