I am expecting delivery on my '08 pkg 5 in about 2 weeks. I have had XM for several years now and want to keep it. Does the pkg 5 come with XM or not? I've gotten mixed messages from dealers and other sources. I see where it says "XM compatible and 3 months free with activation". Do I have to add a tuner or not? I really don't want to have to add an external tuner (I'm sick of all the wires and crap in my current car between tuner and GPS) and I'm hoping all the hardware I need is in the thing and I just have to activate. What am I getting?
Unless you negotiated this into your car as part of you package, I doubt it will be there. You will most likely have to add the Toyota XM Tuner ($$$.) Your radio is ready, but you need another piece to conmplete the puzzle
Yeah, my brother has the Package 6 in his car and it doesn't come with XM radio. That's an add on. When I bought my Package 3 (didn't need Nav, leather or the fancy headlights) I asked about the XM install and they told me that if my brother and I got it done on both our cars they would give us a deal. Separately I was told it would be about $700. Most of the cost is the labor. According to their sheet the parts only cost about $250.
Crap. Just goes to show how much the salesmen at the dealerships DON'T know. The guy I talked to last said "they all come with XM, you just have to activate it" Oh well, my car is ordered and on the way so too late to change the order and I am NOT paying $700 so I guess I'm stuck with my little Roady receiver and all it's wires.
I ordered my Prius w/XM and it was installed at the port by the importer, Gulf States Toyota. That's standard here. The cars come from Japan as basic packages...3, 4, 5, 6...and the frills (xm, mats, mudflaps, paint stripes, bumper guards, sound shield, etc...) are installed by the importer when they land. The pricing for these options is listed on Toyota's web site (if you plug in a zip covered by our importer, ex 77002). IF it works the same in your area, you may still be able to ask the dealer to request the importer to install the xm receiver for the 'published' price (or less). Here it is 449 w/6mos service.
I got an 08 package #3 and the dealer had xm installed for me. It was a $400 option that I got the dealer to pay for. First they only wanted to pay for half of it and I said no deal, then they said ok, they will pay for the full $400.
Well thanks for all the info. I started to forget about it, but I called my agent at the credit union car buying service and he called his Toyota guy and they are having it installed. Costing me the $400, but I'd rather throw that in now than go back and get it installed later for whatever. Still anxiously awaiting the car's arrival...am told it's due between the 10th & 15th and "maybe sooner". This is almost like waiting on a baby
Now all we need is for this merger mess to finish up. It's like a bad opera...goes on and on and on..
was this what you were talking about? Factory Interactive - SIRIUS Satellite Radio for the 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 and 2008 Toyota Prius
Nope. I was referring to: Sirius - SiriusConnect Universal SIRIUS Radio Vehicle Tuner and Sirius - Toyota/Lexus/Scion SiriusConnect Tuner Interface You need BOTH units, which (depending on where you look) will run about $150.00. The pro's of that unit (in addition being way cheaper than the solution you linked to) are that it will show 16 characters and scroll. The con is the steering wheel buttons step you to the next station...NOT your next preset.
I ordered an OEM XM kit from Coastal Electronic Technologies and the install was a breeze. The XM module mounted under the back seat (required drilling 2 holes) and the rest was just routing the cables. No clipping wires or anything harmful. Here's a link to the module: XM Radio in Prius It was $299 when I ordered it, and my Toyota dealer quoted me $500 for the unit and install.