GM, Ford & Chrysler created their own problems by pushing the cars and trucks that made money for them instead of making fuel efficient vehicles that consumers wanted. Based on their track record, you know whatever "small cars" they rush to market will be poorly designed crap.
Maybe Sony pictures will come out with the sequel to "Who killed the Electric Car", it could be called "Who killed GM, Ford, Dodge, AND the U.S. Economy"?
OOOoohhhh I know the answer! Pick me! Pick me! Greedy, incompetent, borderline criminal CEO's, veeps, and Board of Directors all helped kill GM, Ford, Dodge AND the US Economy I'm still amazed after all the blunders, about-faces, and outright kooky things that Lutz has done over the past few years, why he even has a job at all, let alone a job with many perks, while line workers are getting axed left and right The line workers are the ones who are paying for Lutz, Wagner, and other fools
I have actually wondered, and have even heard it said by other posters on other boards, if the "Big Three" auto makers have been buying up oil company stock. It would make perfect sense, keep making a product that gets less than 20 MPG and then sell the gas to go into it. Or if "Big Oil" has been buying up the three major US auto makers.
One fact that is known, Chevron bought the Battery Patents from GM when GM decided to kill the EV1. Since then Chevron has used these patents to keep other car companies from using the large format battery designs.
Well well well, Wagoner finally admitted just the other day (while bragging about 2010 Volt delivery ... in just a few states), they're looking to sell the Hummer division. Ok Michael Moore, how 'bout a nice spoof movie please.
maybe ARNIE should buy the HUMMER line!!!!!!!!! today, a hummer raced away from me at the light. i said wow, guys in a rush. caught up to him at the next light................then, same thing again, caught up to him again.............then once again...................then he punched it and went into the freeway, only for me to catch up to him again in traffic. hmmmmmmmmmm........ i'm warping, he used about 5 gallons of fuel. everybody has choices - it's a free country and that's what makes this world go round. interesting choices that some people make...................isn't it???
Way back when I had a link that showed a timeline of some of the blunders GM has made over the years (a padded dash would outgas, seatbelts would wrinkle clothes, airbags cost too much, unleaded gas would ruin the driving experience and of course hybrids complexity etc) but alas can no longer find the link (have searched high & low for it) anyone have something like ?
I wonder when places like CarMaxx will stop taking SUVs and large pickup trucks in on trade, or for sale at any price?