I heard a slight noise in my AC fan when on low speed. At any other speed the air noise was too loud to hear it inside the car. When I went in for my 15,000 mile check-up I had them take a look. The techs said a rodent had gotten in and chewed my cabin filter. Has anyone else had this? How/where would a rodent have gotten in from?
This is a common problem; mice can enter the car by crawling through the space between the black plastic cowl assembly under the windshield, and the metal body. If you can't get rid of the mice, the cure for the problem is to remove the cowl and install wire screen covering the ventilation holes that lead to the cabin ventilation system.
did you see it, palm bch toyota tried that one on me. they said it made a nest in the entire duct system and the blower had to be removed...$350...i said, "let me see it", all it was, was a rodent had brought a small branch and laid it on the filter, i bought a new filter and vacuumed the debris, no way it could get into the blower. cost me $28 for filter and 15 minutes of my time. i complained when they called for a feedback on my service, they said the manager would get back to me..never did.
Amazing photos - was the rat already dead before you took the first photo?? I didn't think the gap between the cowl and the body was big enough to let in such a big rat. The photo with the rat next to your shoe is great as it shows the relative size of the rat.
This would seem a pretty simple modification for the factory. Any idea if Toyota would consider such a thing? A few droppings is bad enough, but rodents are quite capable of causing major damage.
Yeah, that mouse could be classified as a rat. I have never seen one that big, except by the grain mill on the Ohio River, those get to be the size of small dogs.
Oh geez...now you've gone and done it. Your gas mileage is gonna plummet since you removed the main part of the engine. ZC1
Yes, it was already dead. Not sure how long it was dead for, but it couldn't have been that long in the FL heat. The car is a daily driver, so when I clicked on the AC on fine Saturday afternoon, and that stench of death came through the vents, I immediately knew I had a project on my hands. I was actually quite thankful, as, at first, I suspected one of those small lizards, and who knows just how much I would have had to take apart to find one of those. The way it was discovered was very horror-movie-esque, when I pulled off the dash and the head was revealed, it was like, "WAAAA!!" (insert fast horror movie fiddle music here), as at first glance, you're not really sure its dead. Just think, that's a size 12 sneaker too.
I want to point out that another entrance/exit route for the rodents would be the large rectangular vents on either side of the hatch area, hidden by the rear bumper cover on the outside and the hatch trim on the inside. Those vents should also be covered with wire screen. Yes, it would appear simple and inexpensive for Toyota to modify the design accordingly; maybe the rats in Japan are not big enough or prolific enough for this to be an issue.
fuk i guess when u use an engine block heater, they love the warmth yes? better build those screens quick!
You would need wire screen with a 1/4" mesh. This can be purchased at Lowes, Home Depot etc. Use diagonal wire cutters or tin snips to cut the screen to the desired size. To attach the screen to the car body, the easiest approach would be to buy self-tapping metal screws and large washers, and drill a few small holes in the Prius body for the screws.
Now, since it's a Prius, you have a ready source of 300 Volts right there for the asking. Attach the screen to the traction battery, and you won't even need to clean up the rat.