obviously not for me (yet) but is there reflective body side molding (or some such) for a gen II (2008) - if not why not functionality and safety ?
Could you give us an example how it might make us safer? Unfortunately, the only idea I'm imagining is the "other" car will notice you better before they T-Bone you at an intersection. ZC1
Hi Rfruth, I like the idea about reflective side molding too, and agree that it would at least make me feel safer in the dusk to dawn hours or in the rain. For now, I'm trying to make it work with reflective pin-striping.
You could also go with the stuff they now plaster all over trucks and trailers, which I've been referring to as "safety bling" and shown near the end of this. I'm thinking of adding more of the red/white stuff along the sides, too. Nests very nicely into that long lower-door crease. . _H*
I'm all for more reflectors on cars (and bikes, pet collars, clothing, etc.). The more the merrier. I especially like the use of reflectors on the rear bumpers of SUVs and some cars (BMW, Mazda, others). They are extremely effective, and look good too. Unfortunately, I don't think there are aftermarket reflectors that look great. It's hard to make them look good unless they're built into the car. But you can see from hobbit's photos how effective they can be.
3Mâ„¢ Scotchliteâ„¢ Reflective Graphic Films comes in a variety of colors, even black. If you want retro-reflection in something other than red and white, go to a sign shop and ask them what they can do. There was another thread recently about car graphics. Make the graphics from Scotchliteâ„¢ film and you'll be very visible. Why should your license plate be the only thing that glows after dark?