I didn't see the piece on NBC but I did read about it here: http://priuschat.com/forums/prius-main-forum/48187-200-300mpg-infinite-range.html
No. Got a link? :ranger: I was only able to find this: New Electric 'Car' Turns Heads - Money News Story - KNSD | San Diego But this had a date of 3/24/08 on the website.
I think California's getting the 'beta' models, and sales will expand from there. Here's an unofficial Aptera website.
ThanX for the link ... nice report, and what a machine! How do/will they get by safety standards such as 5 mph bumpers, etc? Is it because it's a 3-wheeler, and so not subject to normal 4-wheeled auto safety rules? ... Brad
From what I've read, the Aptera has been designed with safety in mind, and is being tested far beyond the requirements. Despite being classed as a motorcycle, it has airbags, a rollbar, a safety cell, and crush zones.
Yeah, I read that on their site also. However, I'm not really buying it. I mean, sans any real bumpers, that puppy is gonna crumble up like a piece of paper in a crash ..... at least that's what it looks like to me. It seems that, since this is a 3-wheeler, it only has to comply with the standards set for motorcycles, which are obviously much less than for a traditional auto. In other words, you can put as many crumple zones you'd like on a Yamaha, but it still doesn't compare to the relative safety of a traditional auto. I still dig it, and even knowing about safety concerns, would consider it for sure. ... Brad
It's hard enough to gauge the where the front of the Prius is and it has bumpers. Look at this thing. No bumpers and you aren't going to be able to see the front at all. You're going to see a lot of Apteras with a smashed in nose cone.
From reviewin gthe safety specs, it looks like this thing will be just as safe, if not safer, than any other small car. 5 mph bumpers are NOT for safety. They are desinged to compensate for bad drivers who drive by the sense of touch! There is a danger that if the driver of the Aptera, or cars parking around the Aptera, aren't paying attention then the body could suffer. I think however that the construction, composite fiber (hopefully with some give), will provide protection for 3-5 mph "bumps"
They say they have plans to expand out to other states. But not even a hint of when that will be. Since they are likely to sell all they can build without enlarging their geographic area, they'll have little incentive to do so until they are able to very significantly expand their production capacity. I'm guessing quite a few years.
Get hit by an SUV in your Prius and the bumpers won't even get a scratch. The only vehicles that have bumper height requirements are CARS. The next safety regulation should be to require ALL vehicles on the road to have bumpers at the height currently specified for cars. Anyone needing more road clearance for off road travel can buy an optional hydraulic lift kit. Or maybe the manufacturers can invent removable street legal bumpers.