If the option is available the greenest thing you can do is to switch to 100% wind power from your electric utility. It eliminates the next biggest single source of pollution from your life and encourages development of this renewable resource. It costs more but it's the right thing to do; kinda like a Prius.
Solar power is a good, but pricey, option. We put panels on our roof and actually have the power company sending us checks. We also turned our lawn into a rain garden, sending water back to the water table instead of the sewer. Coupled with the rain barrels, it's self-sustaining. A thermal heating/cooling system is also a great way to divorce yourself from the power grid. But granted, these suggestions are expensive and that has to be weighted against pay-back. Of course, there are other reasons besides monetary ones to do some of these high end things
BTW, if you want to stop junk catalogs, go to Catalog Choice - Eliminate unwanted catalogs you receive in the mail
so - you go out to lunch, or dinner order a glass of water, or whatever they give you a straw made out of plastic how many plastic straws do we throw out every day in the us? 1 million? 10million? more? whats that work out to in a year... so i tell them 'no thanks, no straw'... newspapers - i simply can't justify killing trees to get my news, thus i cancelled it.
There are some grants and other money loaning/lending/discounts for solar panels available in some states and I think even some programs from the federal government and manufacturers. I know for example California is leading the way with this stuff. I remember reading some of the details and thinking OMG this is the most amazing thing ever! But since I don't own anything to use a solar panel on it went in one ear and out the other. Whenever I do own a house (~5 years from now!) an investment for a solar panel is going to be one of the first major things I do. I'm sure in that time they will be hugely more available! This thread has a lot of great ideas and some I've never even thought of before. My biggest soapbox issue is maintaining native vegetation/landscapes in your yard. Irrigation and misuse of land for vegetation is the BIGGEST factor in the depletion of freshwater reserves globally. Keeping the yard natural, to fit the scenery and environment you live in is not only typically the most attractive thing to do but can save you TONS of water and the bills attached to it, as well as, time in maintenance.
Find ways of not printing out on a laser or ink printer. With a little thought, vast reductions are possible. Most items printed are due to habit, not need. Apply the same standards used at home when at work. (Turn off lights, minimize paper use, etc.)
I know when I use the canvas bags at my local grocery store I actually get $0.05 credit towards my purchase for each bag I bring in. I know its not much but every bit helps. And the shoulder straps are nice too, so much easier to carry in the groceries when you have on street parking and have to park a block away.
Don't mow or water your yard. Paint some peace signs and flowers on your Prius. Shower like a European. Okay, maybe that's too much, you can shower every other day. And mow with an electric mower or old-style rotary. But no more shaving. :madgrin: