Does anyone know why European cars (e.g. BMW, Mercedes, VW) all have front fender blinker know, those slightly behind and above the front tires? I saw an 04 Prius n Asia and it had those blinker lights. Super cool looking! Has anyone put those on their Prius in SoCal?? :roll:
Too bad! I like the way they look and wish I knew someone who could put them on mine here in SoCal, around Los Angeles area. Anyone??
I think they're a good safety feature, especially when a car is turning at an intersection or changing lanes on a highway. I've noticed most VW and Audi cars sold here retain their fender signal repeater lamp, I wish Toyota would too.
I'll eventually retrofit them, as soon as I figure out the wiring, and how to cut/seal the hole in the fender. I want to use OEM hardware so it can be fixed if damaged. I haven't seen a detail drawing of the part to know what gaskets and hole configuration is needed. Measure twice, cut once! Those lights are handy in stop-n-go traffic; cars next to you can't see your blinkers and think you are cutting them off without warning.
Please share your technique, findings, and part numbers with us, if you will. I'm sure there are several Prius owners (including myself) who would like to add fender blinkers but aren't daring enough to be the first to drill a hole in the fender.
I'm doing the signal mirrors instead. No drilling, cutting, or sealing. Here's one place to get them in the USA: Nate