I've had commercial, military, and government clients use this system. It works *very* well but is kind of expensive Kustom Signals: public safety equipment, radar, lidar, video surveillance, radar trailers, laser, speed monitoring consultants. Check out Kustom Signals video's that have been supplied from the field. Amazing how many folks run red lights and hit cop cars! What I don't get is that I'm built like a mean, bald ape. Seriously, I could moonlight as a nightclub bouncer. Yet for some reason, little pansy whiny Momma boy spoiled brats in a ricer with a fart can try to nudge me or intimidate me in a parking lot If I have time, I always check to see if they're going to park. If they do, I just walk over and have a little "chat" with them. Kind of funny how when those scrawny little s*** boys get out of their POS, they see me walking towards them with a mean look, and the color drains from their face.