How in the world did you calculate buying a prius and having only a 285 payment? I suppose if you put 10,000 down on a 23,000 dollar car... but that is hardly comparing apples to apples here. Borrowing 20,000 at 3% interest results with a 359 dollar montly payment over 5 years. If you are lucky enough to get such a rate! I just thought your comment was funny and snobbish. Some people can make 1500 bucks in a few days instead of wasting 16+ hours looking for the best deal to save 500-1000. penny wise pound foolish. every person is different. the market is different for the prius right now. relax!
I agee...27K is a good deal for a package #5 08. Go pprice one out on Toyota Cars, Trucks, SUVs & Accessories. Do you people really think you are going to pay less than MSP?