Filled up this morning at the cheapest one I could find near my house. That was $4.09, next station was $4.13. A mile down the road was $4.23.
regular is $1.329/liter super is $1379/liter I'm not sure what that works out to for a US gallon but my guess is around $5
Shell is the cheapest brand name in town, and I just happen to get my best mileage with it. No names only cost a little less. Filled up this morning and this is what I had to pay. Glad I don't use my V8 SUV for daily driving anymore, it prefers premium and uses a lot more than the Prius. Diesel is north of $5.40 in these parts lately.
Gas was 3.89 last week here, now its 3.81. Here is another good thread: