I like the idea of daytime running lights (DRLS). It appears my Prius, without automatic light control system, does not have the feature or it is turned off somehow. The manual (p 105, 2005 model) states there is such a system in place but confusingly adds: "To turn off the DRLS, twist the knob to the position 2 [all lights on] with the headlights on, or turn the hybrid system off." Huh? So to turn it off, I turn the lights on, or the system off? But how to then turn it back on again, and um, huh? I've tried reading this several times on different days and it still makes no sense. I'll try it later in the garage's darkness to see if there really are lights on with the headlight knob off, as it is supposed to work. Anyhow, anyone having encountered this being off and how to turn it on is invited to reply, Thanks! Dave.
This has been discussed quite frequently and there are several good threads, one of which is: http://priuschat.com/forums/drl-module-vt5...?highlight=drls Bottom line is DRLs are a feature (mandated by law) on the Canadian models and there doesn't appear to be a simple way to enable that feature on U.S. models.
I think DRL is also mandated in the Scandinavian countries, although they also require all running lights to be on, not just headlights. Overall, I think DRL is a good idea. When it was first mandated in Scandinavia, there was a drop in daytime accident rates. This was also the case in Canada. However, over time folks got used to seeing headlights on in daytime, so the drop in daytime accident rate may no longer be true. You also have the added expense of replacing bulbs a lot more often, unless you run the headlights at reduced voltage.
Tag; thanks for the link, that spells it all out! I did a search of the priuschat archive but didn't see that result, alas. wrong keywords or something. Jayman; thanks for the tip. here in the metro NYC area there are so many aggressive and unconscious drivers that a safe driver wants to take all possible precautions to avoid accidents, and failing that to limit culpability by showing maximum effort to use all available safety techniques. I did go through some bulbs with my leased VW Passat, it's true. Thanks!
NJDave: Don't worry, we have insane fast aggressive drivers here too. I wonder if it's something in the foodchain?? I've noticed current VW models have the headlights and running lights turn on for DRL.
Jayman; foodchain, genepool, something! Or blame it on television! I leased a BMW 4 years ago that had DRLs (and was stolen 6 months after I got it) then the VW had it as well, so on the European cars it seems standard. After reading the links it appears there is somewhat more involved than turning it on. Apparently Toyota doesn't include the relays, wiring, etc that is needed in US models, so I'm going to forget about it. After all, I had the DRLS for the last 4 years and it hasn't kept NY/NJ drivers from trying to kill me with their outrageously bad driving! Happy and safe driving to all!
Fog lights as DRLs for your Prius My 2004 Silver Prius II w/option pkg 9 includes the HID headlights. These cannot support DRL function due to their design. So, I devised a method to have the fog lights turn on WITHOUT the headlights to be my DRLs. (Silver is the most invisible of colors for a car) . With my mod, the fogs turn on with the park lights. They go out automatically when I open the door after turning off the power. Requires only grounding one wire under the hood - easily done. BUT - mod is not for those inexperienced in auto electronics. Best to study the Toyota Prius Electrical Wiring Diagram manual available from Toyota at 800-622-2033. Ask for Pub # EWD555U. While you're at it, order the 2004 New Car features manual Pub # NCF255u (FOR 2004) - it explains the workings of all the neat features you didn't know your car had . . .
There has been extensive discussion of this modification on the fog lights thread. No one there has thus far succeeded in enabling the fog light to work in a manner that you have. Please feel free to jump into the fray.
Fog light as DRL OK - y'all go over to the Fog Light thread and I will write it up and put it there - give me some time to get it done . . .
Like a 2004 Camry had DRL switch. For BMW DRL: The dealer able to turn or off by BMW diagnostic tool. For VW: I uses to buy or lease VW and I always remove the DRL during summer and re installed DRL during winter. [/quote]After all, I had the DRLS for the last 4 years and it hasn't kept NY/NJ drivers from trying to kill me with their outrageously bad driving!
Here's a link to a company that has aftermarket module that let's you use the front turn signals as DRL lights. I've used the module on a non-Prius and it worked great. Don't know how well it will work on the Prius (don't have mine yet - waiting for the income tax refund before I start looking!) http://www.webelectricproducts.com/products.htm Alan
I just leave the headlight switch in the on position (they are not HID), and when I turn the car off, it shuts the lights off.
OK, I'm missing something here. What is the difference between DLR and Toyota's way of dealing with headlights that are left on? In other words, I'm in the habit of leaving on my headlights much of the time for safety reasons, knowing that when I turn the car off the lights will be turned off too. To me, that's effectively "daylight running lights." I'm sure there's a reason that this is a dumb question, but I don't see why I would want to go through all the wiring hassles for something that is more or less there already...
Just be careful: if you open the door before powering off the car, the headlights will stay on and quickly drain the tiny 12 v. battery. I don't know what happens if a passenger door is opened before you power off the car.
Along the same lines, if you leave your lights on all the time, as I also do, is there a clever way to still switch the Navi from day to night mode? Right now for me it's a manual operation with the switch at the end of travel of the instrument panel potentiometer. I'm sure I could wire in a light sensor in series with the switch, but I'd rather not do that to a brand new car.
I bought a prius prime in Canada, I want to sleep in my car, while the ready mode is on. But I will have the daylight light on during the night , even if I close my light. What it can be done to remove this feature?
What does the daylight on even if I close the light mean? Your in the Gen 2 forum and have linked a 14 year old thread. Try posting from now on in the Gen 4 forum you will get more responses. Don’t link a thread start your own thread it will be much easier to manage.