I have read many threads about people successfully installing. I can barely screw in a light bulb. I have no interest in installing the EV switch myself but would like to find someone I could pay who could do it for me. If anyone could help me with this, please drop me a call at 310-357-4730. I live in West LA. Thanks, Kit
are you sure you want this, you can obtain the same results with a little practice without it..after all it only gives you a minute or two of ev mode at a time, its not like you can drive all over town in ev mode. also there are warranty issues that might come up.
If you buy the coastal ev kit it is pretty easy. Check out this [ame="http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=5377826536782014996&hl=en"]video...[/ame] Be sure not to drive around with it enabled. It's not something you should normally use except in a few special circumstances. You can read up on when in where by searching this board.
does anybody have a comparison done between having an EV Mode and not Having one ? to see the GAS Saving ? Thank you.