New Bentley Prius Repair Manual has arrived

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Care, Maintenance and Troubleshooting' started by BJFons, May 22, 2008.

  1. BJFons

    BJFons Junior Member

    Jan 2, 2006
    Jackson, Wi.
    2017 Prius
    Hello MiHG members and friends,

    Today we received our first shipment from Bentley Publishing of the new 2004-2008 Toyota Prius Repair and Maintenance Manual. This is over one month before the anticipated June 20 release date. We’re very happy that the MiHG can help get the Manual in your hands well before it’s offered to the general Prius community.

    This Manual will cover all repairs and maintenance on the second generation (2004-2008) of the biggest selling hybrid vehicle in the world. A Bentley Manual is worth their weight in gold as compared to the Haynes, Chilton or Clymer manuals. Bentley manuals are authored by Bentleys own team of automotive editors at the Bentley research center. They are based on official factory service, repair and training information.

    This 648 page hardcover manual contains over 830 color and B & W images and diagrams and details the essential information and know-how that removes the mystery and explains the technology of the Toyota Prius with Hybrid Synergy Drive. The professional technician and the do-it-yourself owner will find this manual indispensable for maintenance and repair information. It also offers troubleshooting tips, and routine maintenance hints for even the most casual Prius owner. Since knowledge is power, this manual can help you discuss repairs more intelligently with a professional technician.

    The MiHG is selling this Bentley Toyota Prius Repair and Maintenance Manual for a MiHG meet pick-up price of $49.95 or a shipped price of $54.95. This special MiHG price is $20 off the retail price of $69.95 with a small profit from the sale that will go to support activities of the MiHG, the nation’s largest hybrid owners group. Please respond to this link, [email protected] with your name and shipping address and we’ll send the Manual out right away.

    If you have a PayPal account, you can send us payment via the ‘Send Money’ tab with [email protected] as the recipient, with the purchase price in US dollars and under goods. However, if you do not have a PayPal account we will accept checks if you request it. We will respond to your email with where to send the check.

    On behalf of our entire MiHG community, we thank you for purchasing your Bentley Manual through us. If you’d like to stay in touch with the activities of the nation’s largest hybrid owners group, please let us know and we’ll add you to our free member list. We do not share member email addresses with anyone and we keep our members names private on all MiHG correspondence.

    Please let your fellow Prius owners know about this great deal for this comprehensive manual from your friends at the MiHG. Thank you for your support and enjoy your manual.

    Bradlee and Justin Fons
    Milwaukee Hybrid Group
  2. Patrick Wong

    Patrick Wong DIY Enthusiast

    Mar 8, 2008
    Green Valley, AZ
    2015 Prius
    Hi Bradlee & Justin,

    I'm wondering whether you would be willing to scan and post the table-of-contents pages so that people can see what is included in the 648 pages.
  3. ZC1

    ZC1 Junior Prius Owner

    Apr 18, 2008
    Metro Detroit
    2008 Prius
    No...wait....this thread isn't about the new Bentley Prius??

    I thought the Bentley Prius was a cousin of the Rolls Royce Volkswagen seen below.

    I mean after seeing the absolute beauty of the Rolls Royce Volkswagen, I'm sure there will be a stampede for the Rolls Royce Prius (pics not included, just visualize it, that's all you need).



    Attached Files:

  4. gerlando

    gerlando New Member

    Mar 4, 2008
    Sammamish, WA
    2008 Prius
    I just received my manual and it's what you'd expect from Bentley. Very thorough with tons of illustrations and pictures. The two biggest sections are diagnostics and wiring diagrams (as they should be for the Prius) and I didn't realize this one was a hardcover, which is a bonus!
  5. timg

    timg Junior Member

    Sep 6, 2005
    Rochester, NY
    2017 Prius
    How does the Bentley one compare to the Haynes manual?
  6. eclipse3g

    eclipse3g Junior Member

    Apr 24, 2008
    2008 Prius

    Bentley supplies actual Factory Repair Style Manuals, they are very good for the do-it yourself people. They go into great detail, they are in the same league are the Helm Inc. Factory Repair Manuals.

    The Haynes Manuals are more designed for doing typical maintaince as opposed to repairs.

    So consider your intended usage an go from there.
  7. racerbob

    racerbob Member

    Mar 16, 2008
    S Florida
    2008 Prius
    Unless you are a professional auto tech, the Bentley is as good as it gets. Very well laid out. Not many references to special tools that you don't have (some are necessary, of course). Hands down 10 X better than Chilton, Haynes, Clymer. Not as difficult to read as the Toyota factory manuals. I have all the Toyota volumes and I still ordered a Bentley to keep in the car for traveling and quick reference.
  8. dorf

    dorf Member

    May 21, 2007
    Little Rock
    2007 Prius
    What the heck is MiHG ???

    Ain't they got words anymore ????
  9. Patrick Wong

    Patrick Wong DIY Enthusiast

    Mar 8, 2008
    Green Valley, AZ
    2015 Prius
    I'm glad that you are happy with your manual. Here are a few suggested tests for its usefulness:

    1. It is a common DIY activity to replace engine coolant (and for Prius, the inverter coolant.) What does Bentley say about replacing the engine coolant with respect to the coolant heat recovery thermos; and what is their advice with respect to getting air out of the inverter coolant system?

    2. What does Bentley say regarding bleeding brake fluid? Another common DIY activity, which can get the innocent Prius owner into trouble.

    3. Regarding the diagnostics section, does Bentley list all of the DTC and INF codes that can be generated (hundreds if not thousands, of possibilities?)

    I'm interested in the Bentley manual since you say that it contains wiring diagrams. I have the Toyota repair manual documentation but forgot to download the wiring diagrams...

    Milwaukee Hybrid Group, which is in the OP's signature.
  10. BJFons

    BJFons Junior Member

    Jan 2, 2006
    Jackson, Wi.
    2017 Prius
    MiHG stands for the Milwaukee Hybrid Group dorf, and we are the largest hybrid owners group in North America with over 500 members. We've been in existence for 2 years and have a wide range of HEV owners of every make and model, as well as some PHEV and EV owners. We meet every two months and have an average attendance of 45-50 members. We have members come in from all over Wisconsin, Minnesota, Indiana, Ohio, Illinois, Michigan and even Pennsylvania.

    We have also expanded our membership to include many nonhybrid owners that are looking at getting better mileage in their conventional vehicles. We are developing a program called Drive $mart America which will offer training to individuals, businesses and fleets on how to achieve better mileage.

    We were also fortunate to have several of our MiHG members help Bentley with the preperation of this Manual. We have already shipped over 50 manuals around the country well before they will be selling to the general public. As you can see, the response has been very positive to the quality of the publication and it will soon become the bible for the 2nd gen Prius.

    Bradlee Fons
  11. philmcneal

    philmcneal Taxi!

    Jan 16, 2006
    Simcoe Ontario
    2004 Prius
    orderded mine, CAN"T WAIT I"LL LET YOU GUYS KNOW!

    i recently found out that you need to be hybrid certified or a shop can be fined 20000 dollars if the person working on it isn't certified!

    garbage, if the certification can only be for toyota techs and not for independant small shop techs where i work at.
  12. dwreed3rd

    dwreed3rd New Member

    May 13, 2008
    Marietta, Ga
    2008 Prius
    Patirck: Received Haynes last week and Bentley just this Tuesday, June 10th, pre-ordered @ Bently is approx. 3 to 4 times thicker. Haynes is paperback, some pages barely readable. Looks like they where running out of ink. Quick scan, looks like Haynes addresses maintenance and repairs common to non-hybrids and refers you to trained service personnel in the hybrid areas. Bentley is a hardback, looks very professional, thorough explainations with good pictures. Looks like manufacturer M&R manuals that I have, yea, still have, from other cars. Already used it to trace down Coastal's EV Mod Kit tie-ins. Have an idea for a stealthier install. I'm concerned about exposure to voiding warranty. I don't have the kit or my Prius yet. Only short-coming is they don't show the value of the resistors/loads in the combination cruise control switch located on page 13-91. It's tricky because the combination switch looks like it uses a resistor bridge to provide 1 of 4 different voltages to the ECU for the 4 positions of the cruise control switch. Only way to know for sure is to meter across H14(A)13 the V-violet wire and H14(A)1 the W/B white w/black stripe. It looks like the cancel position is the lowest voltage. Coastal circuit board probably is an electronic switching circuit that only closes on the "cancel" position's voltage, between pin(13) & pin(1), probably with a delay to insure a stable trigger voltageto avoid false actvation. The electronic switch then closes a curcuit between pin(1)gnd & H14(A)27 Coastal's O-orange wire to the EV circuits, not shown in the Bentley U.S. version of the manual. Well to you Q's.

    1). See trained technition, 2). Don't do any repairs that require bleeding the brakes. 3). None

    1). 1page on how to check Transaxle/Inverter coolant level. 3 detailed pages with pictures on Transaxle/Inverter coolant draining and refilling (without coollng system bleed tool) and 3 (with cooling system bleed tool).
    2). 3 1/2 detailed pages with pictures, including one with arrows pointing out the 2 ABS relays 1 & 2 that need to be removed, after being instructed by the scan tool to turn the hybrid system OFF, of course.
    3). 68 pages, not all full, with roughly 30 to 50 codes/page. DTC with INF, where applicable, including: definition, detection condition and trouble area.
    By the way, I think I could perform steps 1 or 2 following their instructions, albeit with extreme caution and much double checking myself.

    Patrick, I have a question for you. I have a ScangaugeII, the Bentley manual referenced the Toyota Scan Tool in the context that you where to "follow it's instructions", in the brake bleeding section. Does this mean that I should have spent the extra $50 for Toyota's scan tool. Is Toyota's scan tool unique to Toyota vehicles or will they work on non-Toyota's.

    Hope this helps to give you a feel for the manuals and thank you in advance for any enlightenment on the scan gauge tools.
  13. racerbob

    racerbob Member

    Mar 16, 2008
    S Florida
    2008 Prius
    Extra $50. Current Toyota scan tool, TIS Techstream is $8,000.

    Attached Files:

  14. hobbit

    hobbit Senior Member

    Mar 23, 2005
    2004 Prius
    Bentley sent me a copy, and I'm starting to go through it. Looks
    pretty thorough, albeit much of it is a photo-enhanced rework
    of the Toyota service manuals. There's quite a lot of reprint
    of the "new car features" material [also freely available at, check it out] in the front.
    One thing to keep in mind is that the "bleed tool" they reference
    for engine and inverter coolant is not the computerized scantool,
    it's a widget usually called an "air lift" which uses shop air
    and the Bernoulli effect to generate a vacuum on whatever system
    it's connected to and try to pull most of the air *out* before
    letting any fluid back in. It helps remove a lot of the initial
    bubbles or at least make them smaller. The process makes a *lot*
    of loud hissing. If you don't have high-pressure air on tap from
    a compressor handy, it won't do you any good.
    The appropriate electronic scantool for actuating various pumps
    and valves does *not* cost anywhere near $50. Try two orders of
    magnitude above that for the most modern version, a Panasonic
    Toughbook loaded with the appropriate software that they call
    Techstream. The older tool, the Mastertech 5100, is also
    expensive. You can possibly also use a recent version of
    Autoenginuity's product which claims to support all the device
    actuation stuff for Priuses and my small amount of testing and
    listening seems to confirm that, although it's a little squirrely.
    And whatever that stuff was about being fined for working on a
    hybrid system is total bunkum. WHO supposedly issues this
    fine? C'mon. Any indy shop can work on these cars with the
    right training, just like any other complex system. Someone who
    dives right into a high-voltage system without the right training
    and protective tools may be subject to the Darwin penalty, but
    that's about it.
    Bentley will likely be at Hybridfest, if you want to come talk
    to their people!
  15. ericbecky

    ericbecky Hybrid Battery Hero

    Mar 12, 2004
    Madison, Wisconsin
    2005 Prius
    Bentley will be there and may also do a special tech session Saturday night at the hotel or possibly Sunday morning at the hotel.
  16. Patrick Wong

    Patrick Wong DIY Enthusiast

    Mar 8, 2008
    Green Valley, AZ
    2015 Prius
    Hi Dave,

    I appreciate your detailed feedback on Haynes vs. Bentley. It sounds like Haynes is a waste of money while Bentley is a great choice for DIYers who find the Toyota repair manual info to be overkill.

    You've already received good feedback about the 4-digit cost of the Toyota diagnostic laptop, so I will limit myself to answering the above question. When the H14 connector of the hybrid vehicle ECU is removed, the resistance from pin 13 to ground is as follows. I've also provided voltages expected on that pin when the connector is in place:

    Resistance between CCS (H14-13) - Body ground
    Neutral 10 k​
    W or higher
    +RES 210 to 270

    -SET 560 to 700 ​

    CANCEL 1,380 to 1,700 ​

    ON-OFF button is on Below 1 W

    Voltage from CCS (H14-13) - Body ground
    Neutral 10 to 14 V
    +RES 6.6 to 10.1 V
    -SET 4.5 to 7.1 V
    CANCEL 2.3 to 4.0 V​
    ON-OFF button is on Below 1 V
  17. dwreed3rd

    dwreed3rd New Member

    May 13, 2008
    Marietta, Ga
    2008 Prius
    Thanks for the response. That makes a lot more sense. That's what I thought at first until I found the tool below on a google search. I figured it was too good to be true. I was talking about the $50 over the cost of the ScangaugeII. I didn't know if the scan tool below might give me more Prius specific information. I like the ScangaugeII. It's currently monitoring our 2000 Avalon XLS w/107K on it. No trouble codes , yea! Love the Xgauges, especially the HPR horsepower.

    It was late last night, actually early this AM. I'm taking back my comment about doing it myself. Haven't done anytime major since we got the 2000 Avalon. I still think it's an excellent reference manual for the novice. But upon further review, I believe much of the Prius maintenance needs to be left to trained/experienced technicions that probably would not do the maintenance themselves without the actual factory manuals and with the expensive specialized tools and equipment required.

    No! sorry I wasn't clear. I knew the bleed tool that they referenced wasn't that scan tool. They have a picture of it and that it's a "compressed-air-operated" bleed tool. I was only addressing Patrick's question, by pointing out that they, not only covered the subject, but acknowledged the tool existed, and gave what looked to be, detailed instructions, with and without the tool.

    Part NameToyota Prius Scan ToolClick Image to Enlarge
    Part #EQ3130 BrandHot Tools Fits2001-2007 Toyota Prius Year2001-2007</B> Description"EQUIS 3130 SCAN TOOL - CanOBD2 -- Professional OBD2 Generic Scan Tool For All OBD2 Vehicles. Features A Unique Patented All-In-One Screen Display And Led Display For Quick Emissions Check. Communicates With All OBD2 Protocols (C.A.N, ISO9141, J1850PWM, J1850VPW, KWP20). Provides SAE Enhanced Live Data That Views, Records, And Plays Back Live PCM Data Streams. Includes Spanish And French Interface And Definitions. Retrieves OBD2 DTCs, Generic Code, And Manufacturer Specific Codes. Can Be Flash Updated With A Standard Windows PC(OBD-PC Link Software Required And Included). Also Includes Memory And Battery Backup For Off-Car Review And Analysis"

    </B> Your Price$216.03 Quantity Toyota Prius Scan Tool also fits these models:
    • 2001|2002|2003|2004|2005|2006|2007::4Cyl 1.5L Base
    • 2007::4Cyl 1.5L Touring
    Started out helping my dad rebuild the engine in my '49 Pontiac, straight 8, in 1958. Did a lot of my own maint. over the years, oil, tune-ups, brakes, shocks, struts, electrical, added cruise to our VW Quantum, manual trans., etc. Don't claim to be an expert on anything. Grandfather was a carpenter and cabinet maker. Father a tool and die maker. And I, worked for IBM in field service on everything from the old gray iron to the main frame computers. Believe me, even the vehicles today don't have much over the mechanical monstrosities that I worked on for printers and storages devices before the coming of the memory chip. The "data cell" used magnetic strips ot tape that were place in, and removed from, a spinning drum using a hydrolic system, running at 1500psi and driven by a 5hp motor, timings to 50nsec. Point being, Bentley, Chilton, Haynes and factory manuals have served their purpose over the years. I think the Bentley manual looks like a good "repair and maintenance" manual for a novice as long as you leave the specialized/hybrid area to the trained/skilled/experienced tech. And I think it's clear in the manual what those areas are. As long as you're awake when you read them. Since I'm on the infamous "wait list", I don't know if it will be a 2008 or 2009 or maybe even a 2010 the way it's going. I figured the 2008 Bentley would probably cover the 2009 for anything I would attempt to maintain/repair. Mainly wanted a reference point to evaluate some of the Modifications and accessories available for the Prius.
    Buy the way, I have a suggestion for a slight modification to Coastals EV Mod kit that would make it 100% removable, no trace left by the vampire taps.

    Thanks again. I really appreciate your responses and advice. Looking forward the the "Prius Experience"
  18. dwreed3rd

    dwreed3rd New Member

    May 13, 2008
    Marietta, Ga
    2008 Prius
    Patrick: Thanks for the info. I also have a suggestion for making the Coastal EV Mod 100% removable, no trace left by vampire taps. Remove pin connectors in pos 1 & 13, add taps to the Coastal kit wires with pin connectors on the wires. Add a connector that accepts the removed pins in one side and the coastal kit spades in the other side. plug the new taps back into the H14(A) pos #1 & #13, along with pos #27. Connect the wires removed to the kit spades using the connector. And you have a 100% removable mod. I realize this was brief, but not intended to be a set of instructions. Just enough info for the concept. I'm really leary abound doing anything that could void the warranty.

    Thanks again for your info in case I decide to build my own circuit board since some users have posted problems. It may be worth it just to have one in hand for reference and parts. Still need to identify the part#'s for the pin connectors and the H14(A) looks like pin# 1 could be a different sizes than #13 and #27.
  19. Patrick Wong

    Patrick Wong DIY Enthusiast

    Mar 8, 2008
    Green Valley, AZ
    2015 Prius
    Hi Dave,

    The voltage and resistance amounts that I provided in my earlier post are from the 2005 repair manual. However now that I look at them closer, it appears there is a typo with one table or the other. You would expect that a higher resistance from pin 13 to ground would result in a correspondingly higher voltage.

    Hence I advise caution when using that info!

    <I tried to edit my earlier post but when I open the edit screen the small font characters appear in Cyrillic font (for some unknown reason) so instead I am posting this additional msg.>
  20. dwreed3rd

    dwreed3rd New Member

    May 13, 2008
    Marietta, Ga
    2008 Prius
    Yes! That's what I thought too. It would seem that something is awry Dr. Watson. Perhaps someone else out there could shed some light on the quandry.
