So the day has finally come for me to fly out to Maine and pickup my new 2005 Prius. I am very excited and looking for any suggestions on breaking in the car properly on the 800 mile drive home. I am pretty sure by the time I complete the drive I will know where just about every button is from pure boredom!!!
I'm in the same very exciting boat as you. On Saturday I'm flying to Washington DC to pick up my white 2005 Prius, to drive it home to Durham, NC. It's not 800 miles - maybe 300? - but what has me worried are the weather forecasts which are calling for increasing chances of winter storms. Hopefully my excitement about my new baby won't overpower my common sense about driving in this muck so that my car will make it home safe and sound.
I knew that you should not go the same speed, but I didn't know about 60 MPH. Is this true with the ICE since it adjusts RPMs base on needs of the battery and transmission?
Bring $1.00 to pay the toll in NH for driving the 10 miles of road to get from Maine to Mass! Have a fun trip... Cheers, -bob
I'm sure you know what you're doing, but there's just something about that statement that just doesn't sound right. CONGRATS on the new Prius. You will be smiling the whole way. And every once and a while, when someone passes you, you'll look over with a smile that yells, "have you seen my new Prius?" Have a blast and don't stop smiling.
No snow in Canada? I was misinformed, I thought hugging the coast near the Gulf Stream caused a moderation in temps and the interior of Canada in mid January was snow covered. I sure as heck blew down the interstate at a steady traffic speed coming home from West Virginia to pick up the Prius last week, and no I did not gun the car, moderate acceleration and braking. There was loads of up and down, up and down, up and down on those West Virginia hills followed by ups and downs, ups and downs and some tunnels in Virginia. Coasting didn't hurt one tiny bit. You will LOVE this car! This is an ongoing challenge, to see how good you can get the mileage, but postpone that later for home turf. Enjoy those drives and Hey, why take a plane? Doesn't a bus go there? Riding a bus saved me 400 and cost me 4 hours more travel time. You rent a seat in any case.