We updated our 2005 prius with the latest Nav disc from the dealer. No problem there. However, we no longer can do the "override" enabling us to use the Nav system while driving. The 2005 Nav system was very convenient after we did the override. Hubby got very irritated and put back in the 2005 disc. Guess what! Original 2005 disc no longer recognizes the override. What happen and is there a solution so that we may use the Nav system while driving? Thanks for any help!
To the best of my knowledge there is no way to go back to the lesser firmware. I used to have an Lexus IS250 and it also had the same type navigations system in it, the 2006 had the over ride, but the 2007 didn't. I remember reading on a Lexus forum that if you upgraded to the new firmware, the only way to go back down was to remove the navigation head unit from the dash and remove a cable and then plug it back in. I dont know if this is the same for the Prius.
To back-up to an earlier program, you need to remove the NAV system's fuse. (Don't ask me which fuse and where it is because I have "only" an '07 Camry Hybrid :embarassed: and our set-ups are naturally different). Remove the fuse for a few minutes (say about 5 minutes) then reinstall the fuse and load the original '05 disk. Another way is to make a hybrid disk using the data from the newest disk and the "load" program from the '05. This works, but I haven't done it YET, so I don't know the exact steps. You would need to perform a SEARCH to find the steps required.:grouphug:
does changing the nav dvd actually change the firmware of the car?? i think inside the player there is a reset button if you do not want to do the fuse route
This is the stupid thinking of Toyota. Same with the MP3 Folders showing. My Honda's never restricted you. Even my 2008 Civic NAV let's you use it while driving. Big Brother at work.
After loading the new disc, the screen defaulted to a "next 3 turns" feature that I believe is new. At least I don't recall seeing it before with the original disc. It displays the next three turns in the route I'm taking and the distance until I reach each of them in a panel at the right side of the map screen. This feature can be turned off or set to the previous default showing only the next turn. I found I liked it and left it set on.
I have a 2005 and do not know how to do the override . I am new to prius chat. Could some one tell me how to override the Navigation system so I can program it while driving? Thanks.