Rented a Prius to check the hype myself and while I generally like the car and idea I came out disappointed. We have 3 cars in family: BMW 530, Odyssey and Mazda 6 V6. All 3 liter or bigger engines burning about 11-12 l/100 km or about half of the MPG than Prius. Yes, my next car will be hybrid and most likely Prius, unless WV does really good job with new hybrid Golf next year. I am waiting for 2010 Prius because '08 failed to impress me performance wise. Yes, it is nice car and I liked driving it. However MPG which suppose to be so much better than everything else of comparable size is unimpressive. After 500 miles I returned car with average MPG at about 42-44 (5.5 l/100 km). Look at similar sized cars sold in Europe from same manufacturers that sell here in North America and you will see that with common engine sizes at 1.1-1.3 liter, cost thousands less than Prius, no hybrid technology and they burn maybe liter (1/4 gal.) more than Prius. If we are talking diesel engine 5 l/100 km (47 MPG) is nothing uncommon. Conclusion, Prius has to have much bigger battery and thus much more all electric driving to get more impressive MPG. Plug-in. We are talking normal driving speeds, NOT crawling speeds (just to beat the MFD numbers that pop up on the screen and make amazing post on this forum). That's it. Now I have to brace for blast that will come from upset members of this forum.
well that makes one of us. of course coming from the cars you drive and the mpg's you got with the prius, i'll say you need some hybrid driving cues. i find my prius to be very peppy and always with no special techniques, other than those i use to conserve in a normal car, i get 50mpg
What are gas prices in Canada? I know Canada exports @ 1/2 of the oil we use so I was wondering if the gas prices were lower and that's why you choose to wait. I bought my 08 Prius because of the gas prices (lower emissions is icing on the cake). I love the way my car drives and have noticed my driving habits have changed for the better. I also experience less road rage. But, as others have already said, you at least drove it and made your decision based on that experience. See you in 2010!
Just passed by gas station, 1.27 $/liter. Funny ha? Like you said we export almost everything to USA and our gas is 20-25% more expensive than at your gas stations. I am glad that nobody is offended with my findings. I still love the car, overall concept is perfect and savings substantial. Where Toyota came short is bigger battery and thus much higher "electric drive only" speed limit. I found best article so far explaining technology behind Prius here: Toyota Prius Hybrid Car Technical Information and from there I would say that they are able to double size battery and achieve those goals without big penalty in weight. I also believe that gas engine inside is too big, could be 300-400 cc's smaller and that wasted power regeneration could easily make up for that.
Too bad you didn't wait until it was warmer. The difference between the cold spring and recent emergence of summer has been a 5 MPG increase for me. A newbie using a car barely broken-in tends result in lower MPG too. .
Car I was driving was Budget's, 13500 miles on the counter. I tried both styles, regular (nothing fast, regular accelerations, regular highway speeds (55-70 MPH), let go on the gas early) and extreme easy (feather touch on gas pedal, maximum possible electric only driving, a lot of gliding, watching MFD at all times). Found "easy" driving quite impractical where whole ride (while still somewhat fun) became race against the MFD (MPG counter, consumption bar graph and animated arrows showing a flows of energy).
OMG! U R paying more than 80 cents a gallon more than we are. The U.S. needs to stop whining about gas prices since the country we import @ 20% our oil (compared to 35% from Opec) pays more for gas than we do!!! I actually figured it out from Crude Oil and Total Petroleum Imports Top 15 Countries). If someone has better data (didn't look up all the OPEC countries; just Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Iraq, and Venzuala). I still think it obsurd that we import so much oil from Canada yet they pay more at the pump.
What do you consider impressive? I'm quite curious, knowing that diesel MPG will be lower due to the new emission requirements. So everyone's basis of comparison has to be re-examined. .
Impressive would be something in range of the 55 - 57 MPG (around 4 l/100km). rmckay3919 is just reporting 53 MPG on brand new Prius. That means it's doable and I am sure that Toyota will achieve that with new Prius design in 2010. My brother in Europe is driving French Peugeot with diesel engine for last 3 years with regular 55-56 MPG consumtion with no hybrid, no extra electric power, it is full time drive, manual and so on. That car is about same size as Prius. They have Mazdas Toyotas, Kia, VW, Hunday, Audi, Mercedes ... you name it in gasoline or diesel versions. Yes, they got into saving on gas much earlier than we are here. Why, gasoline there is almost twice as much as it is here so they had to!
Hey Zack: Get it right!! It's VW for Volkswagen NOT WV Good Luck in 2010 - Maybe you will come around to some logic on fuel effeciency by then!!! Until then, hope you enjoy spending lots of money on gas!!!!
Zack, If you should happen to still be even a little on the fence, take a quick glance at my mileage chart via the link in my signature. You'll see that I didn't even break above 50mpg for several month. These days I'm disappointed when I see 50mpg or lower in the dead of winter and I'm expecting more than ten tanks above 60mpg this summer. Just saying...
i decieded the same thing today, but in no means do i think the 08 is not impressive if you drive it like some of these people on this forum do you will average 50 mpg no problem.
I managed to find your chart. Now this is whole science! i hope Toyota pays you for such precise data collection. Anyway, I am wondering what kind of driving is involved to get 58 or 62 MPG? It looks like 60 let alone 55 MPG is no problem for you at all! i wish I am closer (I am in Toronto) so I could take you for lunch somewhere and you show me the drive.
Zack, I second what Tony wrote and look it my MPG below. My last 7 tanks were all >60MPG and you know how cool / cold it has been in Toronto. BTW more than 2x MPG (your own numbers) is very impressive - how much gas would you be saving in a year? One last thing your comparison to diesel - did you actually achieve those MPG numbers or are they posted numbers and if as I believe the later is the case will you be able to achieve it?
Be careful when quoting consumption in MPG from Europe (specifically the UK) the English (Imperial) gallon is 1.2 times the size of the US gallon. The litres are the same of course. For example 50MPG in the US would be equivalent to 60MPG in the UK. kevin