Hi All, We bought our 2008 Prius just in time. We took delivery on April 17th. We traded a 2003 Accord, BUT it had a 6 cyl. engine. It's good we timed it right as we saw our dlr. on TV last night telling people there's up to a 6 mo. wait on Prius's depending how "picky" you are about color/pkg. He also said if you aren't too picky he can get 1 in about 6-8 weeks. We watched the Accord sit on his lot for over a month. Then it was gone. Out of curiosity we called our salesman and was told they took it to the dlr. auction as it wouldn't sell. If anyone is still procrastinating about buying a Prius do it now or you may be in for a very long wait. Our dlr. states he sells about 60 Prius's a month and he usually had some on the lot, even in Jan., 2006 when we bought our 1st Prius. We love our Prius's! So glad we have NO gas hogs.
Got mine March 27th and got $1420 off MSRP and full Kelly Bluebook for the trade. . . . and the wife loves it!
We got the Prius we wanted the first week in May. It was on the lot and we're very happy about the decision and purchase - and the timing. Our dealer told us at the end of the month that there was now a 20 week wait from the order date.
If hubby had let me trade in his Tiburon when I first suggested it, he would have had HIS Pri by now. But no....so he's on a list and we are still only a 1 Pri family.
we got ours a few months ago, and in time! I saw an article on the wait to get a Prius here in New England, 8 weeks they are saying My mother in law wanted to buy one last week (she is in Memphis) and the dealer told her its a 3 month wait
. Got mine in April below sticker. I hear now they are selling over sticker with a 8+week wait. My dealer actually called me and asked if he could work a deal to use my car for test drives as he has 0 on lot and people asking. he he he. Let's see. What would I like for free? Hmmmm...... LOL
We bought ours May 3 and waited 1 week for delivery, $558 under MSRP. The dealer delivered it to our house, said they didn't want it sitting on the lot all day because they had no others and people were trying to get in to it. The next day Toyota announced a price increase of about $400, and waits of 3 to 5 weeks, I guess we got our Spectra Blue Prius just in time!
Hey I got Spectra blue too! Awesome color, especially after some deep gloss paint sealer! Only one I've seen around these parts.
I guess I'm lucky too. Bought my March 13, Pkg#2 with dealer install leather for $21776 plus Tax and License. Crude oil at the time was $105 and $3.45 for gas price in So. Cal
We ordered our 06 in Feb of 06 and had to wait till the end of may (color wasn't released before then) for about $750 under sticker with KBB for trade of an 03 Jeep Wrangler Sahara. We were thrilled when it came in and have been loving it ever since. I'm glad and sad to see so many of them on the streets now. We're much less unique but I'm glad the general public is starting to shift the way they think about resources finally.