I heard that there are many people selling these stickers and i do not know where do they get these stickers from. Is it illegal if you buy them and put it on?How about if you get caught by a CHP? Will you get a ticket for putting someone stickers? Thanks
Is it illegal if you buy them and put it on? > Yes. It is illegal. How about if you get caught by a CHP? > Best case, ticket. Worst case, misdemeanor. Will you get a ticket for putting someone stickers? > No.
They are all gone, and no, you can't purchase the stickers from someone else and put them on your car . . . at least legally you can't. If you purchased a car with real, legal stickers which were assigned to that vehicle by the state, yes, you can have them transferred to your name . . . but the stickers are good only on the car they were issued to. Clean Air Stickers - High Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) Lane Usage
If we buy those stickers which belong to someone else vehicle and put them on our car and how does the CHP know those belong to someone else? Thanks
When you get that sticker there is a receipt=registration card that goes with it, that they can ask for.....again it is tied to the VIN of the car.
Thanks for your comments. I thought it link to the license plate and they could tell by the first # from a plate as well right? Thanks