I've put a deposit on a new '08 prius, and am waiting for a call from the dealer. In the meantime I've read so many pros and cons regarding the worth of the touring package, and the drawbacks of the navigation system. I'm really confused now, and don't know if I should pay more for these options. I've heard the touring makes the ride better, then the next will say it makes it rougher. Thought I'd ask some real owners. Anybody having second thoughts about the package you chose, and if so what would you change?
I've been asking the same questions and trying to research the options. I already have a couple of standalone GPS systems and I like to be able to plan trips on them using my computer - so I figure I don't need the nav system. I also live in New Mexico, where leather seats can fry your skin in the summer. So I figured I don't need the leather package upgrade. I'm happy with my Bluetooth headset for my phone, so I figure I don't need the Bluetooth upgrade. That still leaves the touring or not question - put I do like cars with responsive handling and the larger tires are attractive. So I'm going for the Touring edition despite not having the opportunity to test drive one. Sorry I can't help too much with your questions, but just figured I'd share my line of thinking on these options.
My son had a mini cooper with in dash GPS and he just loved it, so thought I'd give it a try in this new car. I love leather seats and will have them include the "heating" which is aftermarket but done by the dealer. I don't ever use a bluetooth headset so this will be a good thing for me to have in the new ride. I can do without the Nav. I suppose, but just can't decide on whether to accept a touring or not. Some say the ride is bouncy and not as comfortable but performs better. What a decision! Comfort or performance!
If you have the capital to spend buy the basic Prius with HIDs and Smart Key then add Nav/DVD/CD/Bluetooth aftermarket. Pioneer and Kenwood eXcelon make very nice pieces that will fit in your dash and work MUCH better than the factory unit, will sound better than the JBL systems, and cost less. If you have to finance then look for a great deal on the NAV upgrade if you need it. IMO the Touring model is not worth the price.
Touring does not make the ride better, it makes the ride stiffer. It's up to you to decide if stiffer = better. The touring model has suspension a bit more like a sports car. I like the softer ride of the standard model. As for the NAV system, we have it on ours and like it a lot. It's more expensive than an after-market system, but it is completely built-in with the big screen and dead reckoning ability. Once again only you can decide. If money is not a big issue, get the built-in NAV system. With that you also get the voice control system. Tom
I struggled with the same question and I certainly don't regret my decision to go with a Touring with the works! We have a fleet of base model Prii at work for comparison. I love the stiff suspension of the Touring. Compared to the 67 VW Bug it's replaced, it's like driving on a pillow. I also prefer the Touring wheels. Here in CA, they only sell the Touring in package 6, and I wanted leather anyway. Now I've bought a bluetooth phone that's Prius compatible... It's a slippery slope! My rationalization for the splurge is that I plan to keep the car for many, many years. So I figured I might as well go with a car that I'd love to drive.
We had the opportunity to buy a touring model, but my wife has back problems and I felt the firm ride would bother her. We do have the NAV system and it's not very good, especially if you've tried Garmin units. I think the point I'd like to make is this: it's very unlikely you're going to have much of a choice unless you're willing to wait months. I would advise taking the first reasonably equipped Prius you can get. If it's package 3 or above I don't see you being disappointed. Just my opinion.
Actually, the radio isn't a big thing for me because I don't listen to music - only talk radio on xm - so I plan to have that installed. Music makes me sleepy when I drive so the talking and news keeps me involved and awake. Not sure the built-in xm is a good thing either, but just don't want to have the system added on the outside. I drive a Lexus RX and love the soft, smooth ride. I did get to drive a prius but don't know if it was touring or not. Guess I need to go back to the dealer and get some answers. For me the ride was ok which- ever one it was. Thanks for all this information. I know the decision will be up to me but sure does help having someone who's already there give you some input.
Actually I'm in no big hurry. I keep my cars forever so I do want to get some amenities, but not if they aren't very good. I've heard the Nav doesn't do well unless you're in a big city - which I'm not! So far I've been offered a blue #6 touring and turned it down because I just love a red or black car - plus I didn't have my information about the touring. Hopefully, I'll have a new one before gas gets $7 because I do love to go.
Definetly get SmartKey and back up camera as a minimum, they are basics that really make the Prius overall unique. It is awesome to be liberated from having to use a car key all the time. Can't appreciate it until you've had it. Bluetooth phone option is another cool feature. HID headlights are sooo nice, you just don't realize till you have them. The factory nav is nothing special, and a portable Garmin is far, far superior. But, not opting for it deprives you of total voice command of the other systems on the car. On the other hand, the novelty of that wears off, because it's a little impractical, and everything can be done via the steering wheel anyway. Unless you car a sporty (firm) ride handling enthusiast, I'd not opt for the Touring pkg. You possibly get less gas mileage, and pay quite more for tires in the future. Pkg. 3 is minimum and 4 is ideal. Pkg 5 is great cause you get the nav (that's not all that great), plus voice command. If you've got it, spend it, and get what you want. That what I say with a car, because you have it so long and don't want to regret not doing it later.
I get most of the sensation of a touring simply by putting extra air in the tires (which also noticeably improves fuel economy). I'd say the fewer factory electronics the better. They cost more than aftermarket equivalents, they're not portable out of the car, it's more stuff to break, and they're more expensive and inconvenient to repair if they do break. I did get the SKS (the keyless entry and start thing) as there is no aftermarket way to get that functionality, and it's really nice :_>
Is the SKS the keyless entry thing? So I think I'm leaning toward not going touring. I must have the leather and will have it heated afterwards. I'd love the phone ability, but not sure what package that would be. If I want XM do I need to get it from them or go aftermarket? I want it indash. On my sons mini he couldn't change out the radio and have an xm indash because the nav was connected to it. I'd hate to not get the xm as an option then not be able to put in a good indash radio with xm.
The touring package provides both better handling and (more importantly) better braking. Those things are worth a slight sacrifice in ride comfort.
the nice thing about the touring package is you get the HID headlights along with the tighter suspension. with a base prius you have to go to package 5 to get the HID's (since level four is rare or nonexistent) . i would rather have an aftermaket NAV anyway so for me a touring #3 is preferable to a basic#5
what? where for under $1000 can you get tuned suspension, larger tires and wheels, HID headlamps and intergrated fog lamps. if you're lucky enough to get a touring, go go go for it...if you're cool like me, (touring package 6) the nav system is a neat feature. i have a portable garmin toy that works great, but have it in a drawer in the garage. the handling is awesome compared to its lesser model, but getting back to the original question, be happy if you can get a new prius at all. rumor has it deposit or not, on a list or not, dealers are charging from 2-4k over list.
I recently purchased my Prius with a package #6, touring, leather, gps. I had the pleasure of driving both touring and non. The touring package is a much more European ride, better handling, and more of what I was use to. I stepped out of a BMW 5 Series, wow...why did I not do this sooner. In that the resale value of all Hybrid cars are going to be strong for a long time, I felt that by going the extra equipment would be greater value down the road. Without question, you should get the car you want and plan to keep it for a long time. Gas is not going down, and we could be looking at $5.00 a gallon by next summer. With 491 miles on my car, and now on my second tank of gas. I got 47.7 miles per gal on the first tank and I am averaging 51.4 miles per gal so far on the second tank. I am told it only gets better. Good Luck with your deceision.
When you come out of a stiff-riding, noisy, stick-shift sports car, the Prius is a welcome respite. Smooth, quiet and gearless. Like sitting in your living room. The Touring model is hard to get these days. If you want a car in a reasonable amount of time, choose a package and several colors. Leave it at that. The dealer will find you one. They found mine in two weeks. Nav and blue tooth are expensive, and add too many buttons to the dash. Besides, I've read here you can't use them while the car is moving. Is that true? I know that's not the case for other cars. I have a small TomTom which does the job, and can move from car to car. And everybody has a cell these days--just use a $7. speaker attachment.
I got a touring personally in anticipation of the driving needs in a wintry situation. Not too concerned about stiffness since I am currently driving a rav4 anyway. It looks like I'll be waiting awhile for it but my dealer quoted me MSRP+ taxes which I gather is a good thing nowadays.
Looks like it's gonna be TOURING!!!!! Got the call today - barcelona red,pkg. 5 with leather seats and xm added. Not so sure $29,100 is a good price since this doesn't include floor mats, but might be able to talk them into that. You'd think for that kind of money they could at least give you some floor mats!!! Should be here by the end of the month. Was told pkg. 6 was difficult to find, but I see someone on here was offered one today.
I got Touring Barcelona Red Pac 6 and I LOVE IT. Of course I got mine in early March, right before gas prices got really crazy and the ordering frenzy began. You'll be really happy with Touring. It is so fun to drive!