so people here actually believe that owning an SUV is the equivalent of literally stabbing someone and killing them? Come on now This ranks with some of the stupidest things I've ever read on the internet. If you think that's true, then go jump in a nice cushy SUV and drive it around the block... see how you feel, then get out and ask someone to stab you in the back with a 12" butcher knife. Check back in and let us know the results.
It was fairly obvious by the first post that you were just trolling. The "only just released last month" claim confirmed it. Now you are attemping to spread the flames... :flame: That's sad. .
hardly.... they only just hit the dealer floors here. just released... not sure how that could mean anything else.
So you're both right then... just that it's been out in the rest of the country for a few months while for whatever reason, it was just released in CA.
Did not realize that Prius Chat required a certain number of posts before one can try to have a meaningful conversation without getting attacked. Jeez! A hybrid car or SUV is better than a non-hybrid version of the same vehicle. Thats all. Thats a fact not "antiquated ideological" view. For the record I have not expressed ANY political view. You on the other hand DID. So the moderators are going to let you get away with your Texas bashing non-sense Wow!
Your argument was misleading and misses the broader point. 21mpg is not good no matter what the person is moving up from. We cannot wait around for people to feel comfortable buying a truely fuel efficient car. The "keeping up with the Jones's" or it's my right to do whatever I damn well please attitude has to come to an end or it will be forced to end. The switch needs to be made now, not 15yrs down the road. As for the rest, I'll just ignore it. It's not worth toying around.
Anyone see the SouthPark that talked about "SMUG" because its stinkin up this forum something bad........
What part of my argument is misleading ? Is 22 mpg (city) not better than 12 mpg (city) ? If there are 100K Prius units manufactured per year and 50K Tahoe Hybrid units manufactured per year - you want all 150K buyers to purchase a Prius? Even though there aren't enough available ... Don't you want someone who is going to purchase an SUV anyway to buy a hybrid SUV instead? I believe you are the one misleading folks by suggesting that buying a hybrid SUV is the same as buying a non-hybrid SUV.
As opposed to people who feel entitled to get whatever they want, however they want it, and want to shut down any conversation that disagrees with their goals? Or people who complain about the decline in standard of living in a nation ... that has been run by the politicions those very same people elected? Check your own hypocrisy filter at the door, problemchild. One of the long-term regulars nailed you early on: you bought the wrong car.
It's not written in stone, but it's a useful heuristic. There have been more than a few logins that were created just to flame; one way of ignoring those is to only watch people who have spent months building up reputation in the community. I think that if you look deeper, you'll see that even those with divergent opinions are respected so long as they come to the conversation respecting others. (And long-time contributors are reprimanded and even banned if they fail to show that respect.) That's a bit facile on two levels: 1. You need to define "better". Initial cost to consumer? Full "dust to dust" cost (insofar as such can be hypothosized by civilians, as most car companies do not issue detailed cost breakdowns)? Ongoing ownership costs? 5-year TCO? 2. You're presupposing that someone has already selected the style of vehicle that they "need", and are looking to optimize their choice; many of us here on PC believe that people are making the incorrect first choice ("I need an SUV to commute to work!"), and we attack that claim. If someone actually needs an SUV, then I certainly encourage them to get the best SUV they can -- and the GM hybrids might very well be the answer for that. In all honesty, Texas is the only place I've ever met people who had never been further than 50 miles from where they were born ... and they were proud of it. That scared the crap out of me.
I don't agree with those who said that you ought to not be able to buy whatever vehicle you want to buy. I do think that -- should you choose to buy a vehicle that is fuel-inefficient, environmentally unfriendly, and hazardous to others -- that you do not get to complain about the high cost of gas (still cheaper in the USA than in most other developed nations, often by at least a factor of 2); you don't get to complain about having to pay extra to clean up the environment after your smog/acid-rain/greenhouse-gas emitting monstrosity screws up the atmosphere; you don't get to complain about paying more for insurance and vehicle modifications to make your presence on the roadways less dangerous to other cars and other roadway users (bicycles and pedestrians). Freedom and responsibility. The two must go together.
My lip stick lip covered mule and wagon get's 0 MPG no i really i bought a mule last week, he's in my backyard..a colt and horny..dont know why im going to do, should have read more book.s
you're telling me that 21mpg would be no good, even if you achieved it while towing a 6000lb trailer? are the people on this site interested in new technology, or simply a group of fanatical brand loyalists? I'm starting to wonder.
Does it really get 21mpg while towing a 6000lb trailer? I'm sure the EPA numbers are computer while not towing any load, but perhaps your numbers are empirical data? I find that to be pretty impressive if true.
We have a '99 Ford F250 diesel that we use to pull an old cabover camper and an even older little boat down to the lake which is less than 10 miles away. Does this make me a bad person?
Depends.... Is that boat leaking a bunch of oil and/or fuel into the lake? How much fuel is used on such trips? Is the truck leaking anything into the ground while it sits in the driveway? Did you vote in favor of creating the reservoir for reasons specific to boating? There are way to many variables in your choices for me to label you a "bad" person. Even then how could I say you are a bad person without knowing your level of knowledge on the subjects I'm basing your "evilness" on? lol For all I know you are wonderful person with a compassionate heart. IE. if you do something that is detrimental to others but you are not aware of those consequences that does not make you bad, it only labels you ignorant in that particular area. I'm still ignorant in many areas but I try my best to learn about everything so I limit the harm I inflict. There are obviously specific circumstances where we need trucks but there are many others were we do not need them and that is the problem. I rarely see anyone using their large gas guzzling SUV on 26's towing a 6,000lb trailer or hauling 6 people somewhere. We all know that argument to be rediculous. For those that actually do require a truck for work then those vehicles should be made to be more efficient. A $52,000 super plush Yukon does not qualify as a work truck in any way shape of form! If you are fishing for an argument I'm not going to bite. Just know that fun things like boating and camping with a trailer often have negative effects. I'd rather have people learn about the consequences of their actions and then modify their own behavior and if they are too ignorant or selfish to do it on their own then the government should step in, like they did with jetskis, snowmobiles, etc. What's funny is some of the newbies will likely label me a treehugging hippy for my views but little do they know that 5yrs ago I was a bass tournament fishing, drag racing, horsepower addict with a large (inefficient) house. It's funny what awareness and a healthy dose of compassion for others will do to you. Fish_Antlers, I'm not going to argue with you for various reasons, but mostly because we've been down this road before and it is definately a waste of my time. :tape:
Hey Fish Antlers: Your numbers are very wrong! See below from GM's website. Since people who buy Tahoe's do not normally live in the city, it would be safe to say that you would estimate mileage on highway as compared to city driving. A 4X4 non-hybrid Tahoe gets 19 mpg on the highway. A hybrid 4X4 Tahoe gets 20mpg highway. According to my calculations, that is a 1mpg difference. Now, if you compare city driving, the difference is 8mpg and you might be correct. Towing and hauling and all that stuff is great with a Tahoe. As I said, I already own one. I live in the suburbs and it wouldn't make sense to pay the premium for a 1mpg increase in mileage. Perhaps that towing article that you refer was measured going downhill. If your that hung up on buying a hybrid Tahoe, go for it! I hope you find a fire sale close by to your home. Good luck trading it in when you are disappointed though. Most dealers won't even accept large SUV trades these days or you'll be low-balled to the extreme on a guzzler like this if you find a dealer who will take it. Direct from GM's website: Active Fuel Management™ Technology With Active Fuel Management™ technology from GM, the Vortec 5.3L V8 engine standard on LS 4x4 models and all LT and LTZ models delivers power when you need it. In situations where extra power is not needed, such as cruising down the highway on level roads, Active Fuel Management™ deactivates four of the eight cylinders with seamless precision. When load demands increase, such as when the vehicle accelerates or travels uphill, valves are reactivated to provide eight-cylinder operation. The bottom line: the next-generation Vortec 5.3L V8 is more efficient in providing the energy to move the vehicle when only four of the eight cylinders are operating. The powerful 32-bit engine control computer triggers cylinder deactivation based on inputs from vehicle sensors — making deactivation almost undetectable. Active Fuel Management™ technology helps the 2008 Tahoe equipped with the Vortec 5.3L engine deliver an EPA estimated MPG of 14 city, 20 highway for 2WD models and 14 city, 19 highway for 4x4 models when running on gasoline. That means driving range of up to 520 highways miles on a single tank of gas in 2WD models. In addition, exhaust-noise silencing measures and revised powertrain mounts add to the engine's overall smoothness.
Are you crazy or just plain stupid? For the last time: - 20 mpg is better than 12 mpg - a hybrid version of a vehicle is better than its non-hybrid version - improving fuel economy of an extremely inefficient vehicle will have better NET results than improving the fuel efficiency of an already efficient vehicle by the same amount. What a bunch of retards.