Like some people here, I was concerned about the comfort of the seats and what I would do if this became an issue after I purchased the vehicle. I planned on using sheepskin seat covers if necessary (seating was not going to be a deal-breaker for me). I am happy to report I find the seats comfortable! I am 5'11" and weigh 155 pounds. I suspect, if you also are of modest build, you may do well behind the wheel. What I have noticed is that of the people who post their disatisfaction with the seats, they tend to be over 6' tall or weigh over 180 pounds.
I like them too, and am likewise of modest build. The seats aren't as comfortable as the seats in our old Ford Aerostar van, but each of those seats is about as big as the Prius. Given the need for light weight, Toyota did a good job. Tom
I'm sorry, but I just can't reconcile "Toyota did a good job" with the seats. First, the seat is propped up at least six inches from the ground, in an apparent effort to cater to circus midgets and children drivers. Second, they went out of their way to remove the adjustable seat present in Europe and Asia, despite the fact that Americans are a bunch of tall fat people. I don't buy that adding the height adjustable seat would affect the weight of the car. It's an easy comparison for someone to make, since they have identical an Prius with the adjustable seats in other markets. All I'm asking for is that the lower these seats! For pete's sake, I can't figure out one logical reason why they are up so high. That said, I do think the seats are comfortable for sitting! For driving, on the other hand, not so much. It's my only real beef with the Prius though which says a lot.
I've also found the seats to be perfectly acceptable, and I'm 6'3" and 200(ish) pounds. I've taken several long trips, including a recent drive from Kansas City to central Oregon, with nary a complaint.
I have seen negative comments about the seats but my wife and I just completed a 2800 mile vacation trip in our new 08 Prius and we have no complaints on the seats. I am 5'10" and 185 pounds. I still think a telescoping steering column would be a nice item for Toyota to add. I added a thread on the Newbie Forum on our trip. Car was great.
I also like the leather seats in my car, they are supportive and I do well on long drives. 95 % of the time it is me driving the Prius so adjustments are not usually needed. The leather in my TCH is really nice too, and those seats offer more options, but the TCH is used less, my wife doesn't drive as much and frequently I drive it if we go out as a family. It's those times I like having electric seats, but I wish they had memory. By the way I'm 5'11", very broad and weigh 220lbs.
Mine are ok as well,just took a long trip,no problems. 5'11'' closing in on 200 lbs. 08 with leather and Dr. School's for the butt. Do all seats come with the gel?
Everything is relative. Compared to sitting on a rock, the seats in a Prius are perfect! However, compared to other automobiles, they could use a little more lower back support, and more adjustment in forward/aft seat position. Keith
I find the seats comfortable, they aren't as nice in my 4Runner, but I don't find them uncomfortable. I do with they had the high adjustment on them.
I think the seats are fine.. but they were seriously saving money on these... basic, basic, basic.. Lumbar support is sooooo needed.. but you can add a pump up lumbar under the fabric pretty easily and cheaply.. I'm 5'8" and 150lbs of all around lean lovin' goodness!!... ok.. just a bit of humor for the chuckle inclined
Perhaps their marketing studies indicated Americans preferred a higher, more SUV-like perspective. The bubble peak over the driver makes it easy for them to do that. Seats are fine for me so far, and wife says they are comfortable. I picked up my Prius today and drove with the kids for 40 km to a park and back again. I'm happy with the seats; I'm 5,11, 170+ lbs.
I also find the seats acceptable. On our trip last summer we did one 28 hour stretch-- Cody to Chicago. No problem. 6'1" and 160 lb. PA P
I just returned from a 5 hour drive and find the seats fine. I'm 6'1" 190 with a history of back problems.