That's my son! Isn't he cute? I haven't put any pictures of him on here because I don't like to post pics of him online - call it paranoia. I don't think Daniel will go crazy - he doesn't like dolled-up ladies. Totally taken aback by your compliments, but thanks! Honestly, all I see is fat fat fat in that pic. Y'all must like chunky chicks. This is good! Men who like chunky chicks are the best of all! We chunky chicks deserve some attention. All those TV antenna shaped blondies get most of the looks! Baby got beans and rice didn't miss her! hahahaha!
Very interesting, isn't it? Certainly for me...never have thought of myself as "cute." Men are so weird. I will NEVER understand them...
I usually don't post pics of myself or GF, but decided to join in. I have lots of pics of my dogs online though. First a reference pic. Then my picture: I'm slightly taller than a gorilla, basically a gorilla with short arms.
Even the fancy dress cannot make you unattractive, Sam. And the term is not "fat," it's "pleasingly plump." You're mighty nice looking yourself there, galaxee. And "cute females" get the same reaction from me whether they're on a car forum or not. I'd venture to guess that most of us guys behave no differently on a car forum than we behave elsewhere. :mod:
Nice pics from people! I have pics on my laptop here, but exactly how do i upload them so you guys can see? I still can't figure it it complicated?
Hi GS try this link for more information on posting pics PS I like your new avatar, but the old one was cool too.
lol thanks my husband wasn't too happy I chose his pic as my avatar so I replaced it with a pic of one of our two cats: I introduce Little Kitty aka Kitty Sugar aka Cunty McShit Balls (that last one is my husband's name for her) I'll llearn to post pics and add a pic album to my profile soon thanks for the point in the right direction ~~Veritas and Aequitas~~
ok sam i went to photobucket...uploaded goes... IMG][/IMG]
F8L!!! Thank you so much!! LOL helping a noob out should have it's own medal. In the pic, it's from left to right...A1C Jackson, me, Staff Sgt. Miller and Tech Sgt. Scully. I met my husband in this tech school, he took the pic of our class on graduation day may 2006. thanks again F8L...I want to call you FF8 after finial fantasy 8(one of my all time fav games) ~~brandi~~