Driver for 3.5 years in MD, currently with Travelers with $250 deductibles and $100/300k coverages paying $521/6 months
Don't have my Prius yet but called to get a quote and was told full coverage with $250 deduct would be $419/6 months. That's through Progressive & we haven't had any accidents and only 1 speeding ticket that was over a year ago. ETA: Can't find my full writen out notes on the total $ coverage though I think it's close to what you posted.
We have a $500 deductible and are paying $367/6mth through State Farm. I haven't had any tickets in the past few years, but I have had two claims within the past year(processed a deer, and hit a door on our garage when backing out).
Through Travelers: $315 for 6 months $250K/$500K liability $250 deductible for collision $100 deductible for comp
Why 6 months ? I voted wrong for $500-600 because I thought it was a year. Can I change a vote ? All prices Canadian (About par with US $ now) and include taxes and $119 provincial insurance paid with license. I'm in Quebec, Canada near Ottawa regional pop ~ 1 million ? I just changed to a cheaper insurer for the Prius I'm getting tomorrow. Previous insurer would have me paying about $800 per year. New insurer (RBC Insurance, bank related) has me paying about $550 per year (taxes in). Married male, mid-40's, 1 small speeding ticket in last 3 years, no claims in last 7 years, apparently good credit (!) and other discounts including multi-vehicle (Wife's car), online discount, and "combined discount" whatever that is. I think there's a 5% Hybrid discount in there too. And then there's special points for paying on RBC Visa. :canada: Main Use:Commute One-way Distance to Work:30 kms Kilometers Driven Per Year: 20,000 Third Party Liability Coverage:$2,000,000 Collision or Upset Deductible:$1,000 Comprehensive Deductible:$500
Liberty Mutual 2 prii all covergaes 100/300 liabilties 50K damages inclused disabilty insurance for accidents. in my area maybe 1200 to 1500 yr 500 ded. for 2 cars
Allstate - 100/300 & 250 deductable - collision, 100 deductable comprehensive - - - $398 every six months -GT
Got a quote from USAA today anticpation of (some day) having the ship with my Prius come in - $388 for $500 collision deductible, 50/100/300 liability (need to bump up the liability a bit, I think).
I messed up my vote too. Should have a way to edit for dummies. I have Allstate, 500 deductible, pay $332.30/ 6 months.
I am paying $360 for 6 months full coverage with a $500 deductible for collision damages. This is with American Family Insurance. Driving for 25 years never any accidents or tickets. Female driver over 35yrs old. $100 deductible for vandalism damage
I have USAA also. You might want to get an umbrella policy if you want to bump up your liability. A $1mil policy is pretty cheap and increases your liability protection on your homeowners' as well.
$275 per 6 months State Farm $100K/$300K Liability $100 Comprehensive $100 Collision 30 Year old male never had a Ticket only 1 accident (22 years old) wife 25 years old had 2 tickets (rolling stop and a speeding right after she was first licensed)
I was paying a good chunk of change because I had some insurance points against me but after I took a traffic school online course, I am now paying only $600 per 6 months for full coverage.
Mercury Insurance $703.90/6mos. bodily liability $100/300 property liability $50,000 medical $5,000 $100 deductible rental $30/day 30yrs. driving experience, 10k/yr miles driven, good driver I guess it's because I live in L.A., what a rip-off!
I answered: Less than $400 with $250 or 500 Collision deductible But actually, my 6 mo cost is $282.05 with 1000 deductible. Reductions for: Multiple line: 79.57 Multicar: 65.60 Driving Safety Record: 272.21 California Good Driver: 70.52 Loyalty: 61.93 Without all those deductions, it would be $831.88, and I would be with another company, most likely. I am insured with State Farm.
Thanks to "long term" discounts for having had the same company (Farmer's Ins. Group) / the same agent for about 11 years, as well as for having had no moving violations / tickets, no wrecks and only one claim -- somebody creased our right-rear door just a bit about six months ago while we were parked in a WalMart parking lot -- over that period ... ... our rate is about $230 for 6 months; that's with a $500 deductible for collision / liability and fairly standard medical coverage, uninsured motorist coverage and so on .... As mhawkin1 noted above ... I believe we also get a break due to our credit history / rating, as well as an additional discount for having our home-owners' insurance with the same company.
waaay too fricking much. have 3 cars and rental ins....$140 a month. its 424 for the SPM, $298 for the 2010....... now why the diff? also with Farmers... my policy lists over a dozen discounts... i wonder what if would be if i didnt have any of thata??
230/6 months, USAA in Northern Va. $500 deductable, collision and comp. Liability with high limits. Been with USAA for 23 years, one claim (2001). No tickets since '87.