Hello! I would love it if I could mod my prius to use the Mac startup sound when I start the car. Anyone know if there is any way to do something like that? thanks! Brett
One way would be to get a little device that ran on 12 volts and played the startup sound. You would plug or wire it in and let it play every time it got power.
On the same note, I'm seriously itching to change all recorded voices in this car. I'll replace them with good ones, like "I'm sorry, Dave, I can't do that" (from Space Odyssey 2001) ZC1
there's a site that's selling a mod to do that for external listeners (plays MP3's) called horntones Horntones but I don't want to blast the imperial march to the outside word... I'm interested in one that does it internally too.
I have the hot rod engine revs from a Mac on CD. Just for those who say its so quiet. Even the Ford salesmen liked it. Jerry
"Open the pod bay doors, HAL" I have been heard saying this when my seckurity badge fail to unlock the doors at work. HAL still refused to comply.
So move the loudspeaker. Done. Are the voices are stored on the nav CD? CDs can be changed. Open the glovebox bay doors?
Unless Doc Willie is correct, didn't the commander want HAL to relinquish it's directive, but HAL refused? (it's been a long time since viewing that movie). ZC1
I would like it to say "Good Morning ( first name here) where to today?" than when I turn it off it says "Goodbye"