Woohoo ! Life is Good Things are coming together... After 2 kids (5 and 3) and moving to Quebec and our first house and a basement flood and a back injury and the computer SW contractor lifestyles of highs and lows in income and miscellaneous other mishaps, and 5hi! I think it's finally coming back together again. Good salaried job w/ successful company last 8 months, complete sale of my 94 Stealth Turbo AWD/AWS tomorrow morning at 9:00, get my teeth cleaned by a very nice dental hygenist at 11:20, pickup my new 2008 Black Prius at 1:00, drive it home about 2:00, play with it for at least an hour, try to nap from all the excitement until it's time to take the family out in the new car.....
good deal my friend I am glad things are going well for you I share in your joy Things have a way of coming around for those who have had misfortune. I have full faith in that.
Thanks! Sold my old car and picked up my new Prius today with 6 km. The 18 km drive home got me 6.4L / 100 km or about 36 MPG ? (twice my old car) Driving in City up to 70-80 kmh, probably with stock tire pressure. I think I'm going to be driving slower and calmer now, for mileage, new car protection especially while I learn it, and also for peace of mind. Ommmmmmmm....