I see there are also a lot of cat lovers here.. care to post some pics,, Here are some pics of our goofy boy, Smokey. He is 5yrs old and is a shelter kitty, got him when he was 6 months old.. He sleeps with our 10yr old every single night and she just has to call him to bed and he hops right under the covers with her and sleeps there all night long. He is a best cat we ever had. He gets along great with our Dachshunds and the dogs like him as well.
My wife has been working at vet clinics for several years now and tends to bring home "broken" (diabetic, blind) or unwanted cats. I'll just post a link for our cats at Our Cats: un álbum de Flickr
Generally you need to have the pics hosted on somewhere the web already. This site may have attachment software built in but I've never looked so I can't help you there. I don't have a cat but my roomates do and the bastard always steals my computer chair and attacks me when I try to shoo him off. One day I took the chair, with him in it, and set it in the hallway and closed my door. My roomates were baffled as to why there was a chair outside my room. lol Meet Simon the chair bandit!
You should have seen the pics I was gonna post. I'm sure I would have got a slap from each of the girlfriends.
Oooohhh, I can help you, very very easy,, you have to first download your pics to a website like Photobucket, then you have to have 2 internet connections open on your computer at the same time. I first pull up photobucket, then I minimize it into the toolbar, then click on the Internet explorer again and bring up the internet connection again and go to Priuschat. When you are here on the site, click on reply to thread, then minimize this screen and go to your photobucket album, find the pic you want to attach and right click on the "direct link" link and click "copy", then pull up Prius Chat and click on the little picture here right above the message section, it is a yellow box with a little mountain and a sun in the pic. When you click on this a little box appears that you paste the link you just copied into that box. I have to first delete the "http://" thing that appears in the little box because my link from photobucket already has that in the direct link so to duplicate it will not let the pic post.. If anyone else can explain this better, please feel free, I am not very technical but I tried to explain the best way I could. It is really very easy, and it is just a matter of having 2 connections open at one time and copying and pasting it into that little yellow square with the mountain in it.
As noted above, to make a picture appear big in the post, it has to be hosted on another web site, and you link to it. The easy way is to click on Manage Attachments, under Additional Options, below the text box when writing a message. You will be prompted to browse for the attachments you want to attach. There may be space limitations. I'm not sure. Only certain types of files are permitted, but those include the common picture formats. When you are all done, the pics will appear as thumbnails, which expand when clicked on. Toothless???
Here's Subway (found as a tiny kitten at Subway subs): Aka Little'ns, Subbles, the little one Here's Snoebell (a stray we also found as a kitten in San Diego): Aka Jumbo, Bigguns, fatbody, lardbutt, porker...(he's fat)
kitty sugar and miss pissy both rescue kitties..I have had miss p since 2004 in VA and Matt got kitty sugar (he calls her Cunty McShit Balls) in Lacey.
That's a reference to the kid. My son was a jack-o-lantern at the time. He lost about 6 baby teeth within two months. If you look closely in the picture, you can see his missing upper teeth... :brushteeth: I named all of the pictures "Toothless" so that I could easily find them when sending them around to various family members.