Students’ prototype counters quiet creep of hybrid cars Time for a little reality training. Bob Wilson
I'm an engineer, not a businessman, but isn't this the wrong way for them to think about their product? There is no "market" for this device. I'd be shocked iif more than 1% of hybrid owners willingly purchase a noisemaker for their cars. The only way they'd ever sell a reasonable number of those things is if the government mandates that they be included on all hybrids. If that happens, manufacturers will of course include the noisemakers as standard equipment on all new hybrids sold. So, at best, the "market" for their product includes only hybrids which have already been sold--a very small number, relative to how many will be sold in the future. Also, I wonder if they've wired the thing to only make noise when the engine is turned off and the vehicle is moving.
This is a very shrewd, anticipatory move on the developer's part, very much in the true entreprenurial spirit. The regulatory process includes public hearings and cost benefit analysis. If this is the only plug-and-play, purpose built product of its type on the market or close to it, thier product name will be splashed all over the public record. When the advocates for the blind pick up on it, in short time the company and product will be all over the Internet. Clever, very clever, to get a public service endorsement and free advertising at the same time. There may not be a market for the device yet, but should the regulatory effort be successful there will be an instant high demand, and these two clever fellows will at least for a short time be the only one's in the race to "make hay while the sun shines." Edit: Most likely there would be a phase-in period for any requirement. I would guess 2 or 3 years for existing vehicles. In that time, larger companys will come to dominate the market. These fellows probwbly won't last all that long. Even if they have a unique, patentable product, they couldn't afford the legal battle to defend it. Their best plan would be to sell out early, get what they can. Move on to strobe light equipped beanies. Which in all fairness every person who crosses a roadway should have to wear to provide adequate notice to drivers of thier placing themselves in harms way.
I think they missed the market. They should have come up with a Fart filter for cows. Something useful in reducing the methane gas problem.
If I promise to roll down my window at every intersection, stick my head out, and make really loud "VROOM VROOM!" noises, can I get away without having to buy one of these?
Yeah, please... as if with all the noise pollution from motorcycles and street racing crapmobiles, now all of a sudden a quiet car is a problem. Business school - last bastion of the terminally stupid.
Sure ! Isn't there some old film showing a "newfangled car" driver who has to stop at intersections, blow horns, shoot guns in the air etc. to warn any horse and buggy driver within 5 miles before he crosses ?
If they're going to *regulate* anything, why the heck can't they *regulate* the clueless ISPs and make them stem the tide of spam and botnets or face sanctions and shutdown? . _H*
Just in case you haven't followed the reality, about 4800 pedestrians got killed per year in the US from 2002 through 2006. Of these, 0.11%, just a little over one-tenth of one percent, were blind. Of these 6 blind pedestrians killed each year, none were killed by a hybrid car. This is why it is so important to make the Prius noisy. We're not getting our fair share of blind pedestrians!