It may be just Florida, but my dash and MFD is a dust magnet! Anyone have success in keeping those areas clean for any length of time and with what? thanks. cough cough
I use armor all natural finish to keep it clean and keep one of those small California Dash Dusters under the seat. I pull out the duster a few times a week and it does the job.
Im pretty sure it's just dust and pollen and the other 10000 allergens that Florida is known for. Id hate to look at the cabin filter. Not a fan of armor all. too greasy and shiny.
I use 303 Aerospace Protectant. Not shiny or greasy feeling. Gives the dash a satiny finish I think. Appears to repel dust ! 303 Products Inc.: 303 Aerospace Protectant
i use a slightly moistened micro-fiber towel from costco with water. wipes clean, dries quickly and that's that.
Go to Target (or wherever) and get yourself a large California Dash Duster. It is awesome and you can reach the entire dash from the driver's seat. I use it several times a week and it's a must for a pristine interior.
the natural finish armor all isn't shiny or oily. I think it's a completely different product that armor all put their name on. It works well to clean the dash, doesn't shine or seem to attract more dust than nothing, and I can get it pretty cheap at the store.
Armor All's formulation was changed years ago. It is now a water based product. While not my protectant of choice (303 or Vinylex), it is perfectly fine to use.
. 303 Aerospace is designed with anti-dust properties. WORKS great! Plus they offer free sample if you pay $5 S&H Google it .
. ps this stuff makes your dash look SO good! Deeper, darker, richer color! This used with a swiffer, you'll NEVER have a dust problem again, or sun faded plastic. .
Make real sure it's only from costco, the other ones don't work... What dust? At least 3 times a day, when I wipe the dash and MFD down I don't ever see any dust? What are you guys talking about? ZC1
Like many others said, Swiffer is all you'll ever need. It's even taken off stuff I thought I'd need to use a damp rag on. You can keep it in the hidden storage bin in the front bottom of the console. My wife cracks up when she comes out of work and I'm Swiffing the dash
I just bought a Swiffer, on advice from all of you. So my wife helps me put it together and then she says "Go out and try it". She watches from the garage door as I enter the car to test out the Swiffer's amazing capabilities. A couple swiffs later, I look up dejected and exclaim "I don't know if it's actually working". Her laughing response was "Isn't that a shame, you have the car too clean to see the difference". Then she advises me to be like the commercial and throw some dust up there and test it. She's still laughing at me watching me try to get some result from the Swiffer. I put it in the upper glove box for later use. ZC1