I believe most people, if they're lucky, realize at some point of their lives that living simply is living well.
OK, I'm just a little bit confused. What has any of this stuff have to do with being conservative or liberal? Fuel economy - I'm all for it Environment friendly - Less gunk is better Listening to Rush Limbaugh - I can accept or reject what he says Listening to NPR - I can accept or reject their editorial positions Recycling - been doing it for years Low emissions - everybody breathes better Walking to places that are nearby - Lost 60 lbs in past 8 months Riding a bike - Do it almost every day I consider myself conservative. I guess I should stop doing all of the above except #3? I listen to conservative AND liberal radio and TV. How can I form a reasonable opinion on anything if I don't hear both sides? All these political labels stink. It's about the issues and what is best for everybody. </soapbox> My apologies for going off topic, Bob
How many of you guys ride a Harley? You are a bunch of tatooed goons of Hell's Angels - right? It just as established as all this stuff said about Prius drivers....but they forgot to mention the 3rd eye.
hmmm. Politically I am not represented now. The dems make me ill. Sen McCain is yeilding to the party after years of being his own man. But my prii keeps getting better mileage all the time and I save hundreds per month driving it! I hate bikenstocks but like the way the Prii changes you. Im losing weight and try to be calmer. and I am seeing more and more Prii in my city area!
Check in, one week in the car, gassed up today for a total of 8 gallons! Regardless of political leanings, that is just awesome, call it green, call it cheap, call it whatever you (I) want. Still on the fence regarding the Birkenstocks, hemp necklace and the tofu, but they no longer evoke the knee jerk left leaning jokes they used to.......who knew, maybe a centerist after all........ Seriously, cheers to all, thanks for the posts, fun to read and I just may learn something! Cheers :usa2: