newbie here.. Bought our Prius this past March and have loved it. But as I read this forum, I see people avg 45+ MPH. My wife and I are averaging only 40.1, so how can we increase this? Thanks D
Drive Slower. I average 55 mph on the freeways and the speed limit on the local streets. If you do not accelerate with a lead foot, you should get more then the EPA estimates. My wife and I average about 52 miles per gallon.
After you've read the good Dr. Fusco's advice in the sticky that JimboK pointed you to, try the rest of the Fuel Economy forum. But really do start with that sticky and the link it contains. Welcome and have fun!
Hi and welcome to PC! Can you give details about the length of your trips and type of driving (city; HWY)?
Drive slower. Check tire pressures at least monthly. Accelerate briskly (this makes most efficient use of the engine). Gliding (no arrows on the "Energy" display) is better than coasting. Coasting is better than braking. Braking is better than coming to a complete stop. Increase tire pressure. Anything up to the value molded into the side of each tire is safe. Many of us run the original tires at 42/40 PSI front/rear, which helps noticeably.
The 08 specs say a tire pressure of 35/33 PSI. I picked up my new Prius yesterday, and don't know what pressure the prep mechanic set. The first 50 miles on the car last night in mixed driving, I got 48 mpg average. Drives like a dream. Smooth and quiet. Power like a V6. Can somebody tell me how to turn on the rear wiper (vs the front ones) on the stick? Had trouble in the rain last night in the dark turning on the rear wiper.
+1 on the link posted here. Our average mpg should be in the 50's...just like this morning headed to work I averaged 59.4 mpg.
See the manual for complete details, but the quick answer is that on the wiper stalk there's a "ring" that controls the rear-wiper. The end of the stalk controls the front wipers, etc.
That's Toyota's compromise between fuel economy and comfort. Higher pressure does improve fuel economy and is safe (up to the tire rating, anyway), but gives a harder ride and stiffer handling.
One of the great things about this car is that it will tell you how to drive more efficiently. All the things we were taught about good driving habits (and that most people ignore) are true, and the car will give you instant feedback. Take that foot off the accelerator, slow down and drive the speed limit, coast or glide whenever you can, and always use your cruise control, even in town. As you watch your mpg readout, and watch the engine activity, you'll learn how to drive more efficiently. One of the easiest habits to get into is to use that cruise control all the time. Watch how the car increases its mpg when you keep a steady speed, don't punch the brakes or the accelerator and let the engine do the work. We've had our 2008 Prius for about a month, and we've gotten about 50mpg in town. We just took a trip from Boston to Washington DC, round trip, and got about 52-53mpg for the entire trip. By the way, we drove from Boston to DC on one tank of gas!
return the car, you got a Lemon. haha JK. Yea just do what everyone else already pointed out and you will be good to go.
Unless you've driven many miles in two months, you don't yet really know what kind of mileage you'll be able to get on your Prius. Some things to consider: If you were living in a northern climate, or where temps are much colder in the wintertime, your mileage in March would be much lower than what it would be in August. If you have a short daily commute (in time more than miles), then you will unlikely be able to see the really high mileage. If you learn how to maximize MPGs by understanding the HSD (Hybrid Synergy Drive -- your hybrid propulsion system) and responding to the info on the MFD (multi-function display -- your viewing screen), you'll see a steady increase over time. If you live in a flatter part of the country, you'll likely see higher MPGs than if you live in a hilly area. If you are a lead-foot and drive 75+ on freeways and if you try to get to the next stoplight faster than everyone else, you'll never see 45+ MPGs. If you drive more on 45mph roads than 65mph highways, you'll likely see higher mileage. If you plan ahead so you can time stoplights; if you stay far enough behind someone so you can coast and not brake; if you accelerate at a steady rate and ease off once you hit the correct speed; well, then you'll see improved MPGs. If you keep your tires inflated up to the max suggested PSI (44 on the Integreties), then you'll see better mileage. If you block your grill in the winter, or you keep the car in a garage, or you add an EBH (Engine Block Heater), then you'll see higher MPGs. If you can keep your head when all about you are losing theirs and blaming it on you. If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you, But make allowance for their doubting too. Well, you get it. If you can do all of these, yours is the Earth and everything that's in it, And - which is more - you'll be a Hypermiler, my son!
I agree with what has been said here... check you tire pressure and drive 55 on the freeways, speed limits on surface streets... I am averaging 49.2 MPG from April 15-May 28th (today) and that represents about 1600 miles of driving with a 65% highway 35% city driving mix.
Block your grill. My top is blocked 100% all the time. The bottom is blocked 80% and I'll remove one tube when the fan turns on for the first time. Grill blocking, harder tires, slower speeds, and more intelligent driving can add 5mpg.
I have an 08 and after reading all of you guys comments about how to improve MPG, I did Improved from 56.1 MPG to 58.7 MPG in city without using AC base on 31 MPH and 50 MPG to 52.5 MPG base on 65 MPH with AC. I've tried everything to improve my MPG. Below is what i have done : 1. Fill gas half of a tank to reduce heavy weight on a car 2. Set temp to 73 3. Tire Pressure 45 PSI 4. Slowly step on gas penal 5. Accelerate to 36 MPH on 40 MPH (IN CITY ONLY) 6. Release gas penal all the way for only 2 second and slowly step on gas penal to keep your speed on 31 MPH. 7. Shut off AC 8. Release gas penal if you see a stop light in RED Color ( This will always save you a lot of gas everytime you do it) HOPE TO GET MORE IDEA TO IMPROVE MPG !!! PLEASE LET ME KNOW HOW MANY MPG DO YOU MOST GET? THANK YOU EVERYONE !!!
"My wife and I . . ." Not to sound snarky, but your wife may be part of the problem. Mine was. For several months I noticed that when she came home from driving it the mileage had gone down considerably. Finally I got up the courage to tactfully give her a lesson on driving the Prius with increased gas mileage in mind. It worked! Now we make it a game to not bring the car home with less than 50 mpg showing. And that's where we've been for the last three fillups. You should note that you won't start getting high numbers until the engine breaks in a bit, at least I didn't. But there is some really good advice in this thread. Just make sure everyone driving the Prius knows about it. And, coast when you can!