I'm installing an FT-90R near the battery and need some advice: Can anyone tell me how to remove the red plastic cover on the positive terminal of the 12 volt battery on the 2005? I don't want to break the thing by pulling too hard, especially if there's a simple release mechanism. Sorry if this is somewhere on the forum already - I did look. Thanks in advance, Norm
I would also like to know the correct way to remove the red cover from the 12V battery. I am in the process of installing a rear view video camera and need a 12V power source at the rear. Does anyone know if there is a "Ign" or "Acc" 12V source available at the rear ? I will probably end up having to connect to the battery. kenmac
There are 3 points at which the red plastic positive post cover is attached (see photo, attached). I used a screwdriver to gently pry each of the attachment points loose, rocking the cover to keep it from reattaching. The red cover attaches to a black plastic assembly that is molded on to a metal tab that is bolted to the positive post - that assembly contains fuses and such, but I didn't see any convenient place to tap into the +12v. So, you can't just grab the red and black assembly and pull up, because the black assembly is bolted to the positive post! And you can't just pull the red cover off, because it's firmly attached at three points. Attaching to the +12v: Once the red cover is off, it looks like a simple job to remove a nut, slip a round crimp-type wire termination on the post, and replace the nut - there's lots of room to work once you remove the tray that holds the tools and the mats above it. Attaching to the -12v: Either do it at the negative battery post, or a the end of the short lead that attaches the negative post to the chassis. 73, Norm
There's the backup light. It's not on all the time, but it's certainly on when you need the backup camera.