Won't work for greyhounds, alas, they are "long-leggity beasties" and just too tall for the Prius, unless you allow them to lounge in the backseat area. Which we're not inclined to do. But I could see the cargo area working for a lab, as long as it isn't a mutant like my sister's....
i have an 85lb rott and a 45lb border collie. they ride no problem w/ the seat down with other 'stuff' in the car to take north. the ride is about 3 1/2 hours. it took princess (the rott) a bit to quit bopping her head on the window frame but i think she's finally got it. Buddy (border collie) sleeps in the very back of car. i think he likes the lower window to look out of.
I have a 95 lb Doberman that is the height of a small Great Dane. He fits just fine in the cargo area with the back seats up. I can get all my stuff for a weekend of camping, 2 dogs (1 is a small min pin and my doberman) with room to spare. I use a fitted sheet in the cargo area. I hook the corners on the back seat headrests to keep dog fur from the seats.
95 lb Dobe! Wow. Mine are 69 lbs, 78 lbs, and 81 lbs. I get my Prius next week and am wondering if they'll fit in (w/ the seats down) and w/ our 80 lb Lab too! One might have to sit up front with me in the passanger seat!
I have 2 180lb + Irish Wolfhounds who happily like to be horizontal on car trips (one at a time). Since I don't even have the car yet I am a bit concerned.....
Wow, when you get them in there I want to see pictures. I think they'll fit and be reasonably comfortable. There's plenty of floor space, though maybe not as much head room as they might be used to (in an SUV?). Let us know how it goes...
The car that they are used to is a 1997 Mercedes C280, so they know that they are unable to fully stand up. When we are at a stop light the car rocks back and forth if they are panting. I think that the Prius will have less room in the back.
My Norwegian Elkhound Max fits in the Prius just fine ... still trying to figure out whether to block the vent back there or not. Old & New Pic
My 70 pound and 50 pound dogs ride in the back seat. They get too hot under the back window. Husker4theSpurs, don't block the HV battery's intake vent! Airflow over the battery is vital!
Mine ride shotgun on the passenger seat. He has a padded harness that I put the seatbelt through. He sits there and watches the scenery. Caesar used to watch me drive and rest a paw on my hand on the shift lever. Made me think maybe I should hide the car keys. I'll bet a PVC screen of some kind could easily be built for the cargo area.
Our dog fits just fine (25 lbs) and we have put her back there before, BUT - the better ride is up front with her people. C'mon now.
Our golden Jack...refuses to sit in the cargo area.....seats up or down. i guess he wants to sit like we do. recently he has tried to take over the front seat, and my wife simply tells him dogs cant call shotgun and he hops over the center console to the back, where we put a "classy" leopard sheet over the back seat!
Sorry, I misstated ... I was referring to the idea of putting some mesh over the vent to keep the dog hair out ... not really blocking it perse. I know not to block it off completely.
I just bought the 2009 Prius Touring, my 75 lbs. dog being a regular passenger. Anticipating the need for waterproofing the entire rear area including rear seats down, I bought a thick rubber floor covering for the bed of a Dodge pickup truck for a close-out price of only $8 at an auto parts store. Using a huge roll of paper from a craft shop, I made a pattern for the entire area behind the front seats even including a strip which covers the front armrest. Then using a sharp boxcutter, I created a custom rubber mat for this entire area. I also placed 2" strategic cuts on both sides to accomodate the rear seat belts. A perfect custom fit! I just ordered Wet Okole covers for the front seats. Anyone with a better idea to protect the entire horizonal surface of the Prius?
I just use some old towels to cover the cargo area of the Prius. My two dogs, one 20lbs, the other 40, can both fit in there just fine. When my 40lb dog barks, the car rocks
Anyone put a doberman in there? I'm tryin to convince my dad to pick up a prius for a daily driver, and one of his main concerns is if our dobe can fit in there. He likes to stand up most of the time(not on this hind legs). Anyone got some dimensions of the cargo area? especially by the entrance?