On other vBulletin forums I'm accustomed to automatically subscribing to threads that I post to - it's just a UserCP option. No email notifications; it's just convenient to go to the UserCP page and look for new posts in my threads. I've found where to change the subscription setting for a thread at the time when I'm comprising a reply, but it seems that the UserCP setting to subscribe to threads where I post as a default has been disabled. Any chance of getting this option enabled?
Here you go: Visit this page - http://priuschat.com/forums/profile.php?do=editoptions Under "Messaging & Notification" there should be the "Default Thread Subscription Mode" options - select "No Email Notification".
Go to your User CP and then click the "Edit Options" link and then scroll down till you see the "Default Thread Subscription Mode" setting under the "Messaging & Notification" header. [oops, Danny beat me to it. ]
Dredging this thread back from the dead to ask the exact same (opposite) question... how do I set default email notification *on*? I can't seem to find it and the link given above doesn't work... Thanks!