I have an 08 and after reading all of you guys comments about how to improve MPG, I did Improved from 56.1 MPG to 58.7 MPG in city without using AC base on 31 MPH and 50 MPG to 52.5 MPG base on 65 MPH with AC. I've tried everything to improve my MPG. Below is what i have done : 1. Fill gas half of a tank to reduce heavy weight on a car 2. Set temp to 73 3. Tire Pressure 45 PSI 4. Slowly step on gas penal 5. Accelerate to 36 MPH on 40 MPH (IN CITY ONLY) 6. Release gas penal all the way for only 2 second and slowly step on gas penal to keep your speed on 31 MPH. 7. Shut off AC 8. Release gas penal if you see a stop light in RED Color ( This will always save you a lot of gas everytime you do it) HOPE TO GET MORE IDEA TO IMPROVE MPG !!! PLEASE LET ME KNOW HOW MANY MPG DO YOU MOST GET? THANK YOU EVERYONE !!!
Now here's the equation that kills me. I can hardly think of any place around here with 35mph sign. If I did 31mph, I'd be haunted by every car racing up behind me only to screech stop to my 31mph. I use the rearview mirror almost as much as my front windshield and I see 'em coming, barrelling down upon my bumper. Never mind the other lanes are empty. (They have to know I'm going slower than they are, I mean, they are catching up rather rapidly, no?, so why not change lanes BEFORE they SLAM into my bumper (figuratively speaking). Congrats on your achievements. ZC1
Did raising the tire pressure to 45 PSI from-What PSI? make a noticable difference? I run @ 42/fronts & 40/rears. Anyone have other answers and stats on this area?
Ignore them and follow speed limit. I have the same problem but i just ignore it. Make sure you have follow some of my tips. I am still trying to get more tips from these members here !!
I just got back from Vegas and i got these tips from these members here. First I fill up half of the tank. My tires was 38/34 and i raised those 4 tires to 45/45 Trust me it works ! I will shoot my car if i get less than that MPG ! Let me know if you have some tips! Thank you!
Well, some areas here in Long Beach, 31mph is the ideal speed. :0) I love going to Belmont Shore and driving down 4th street because I can enjoy the numbers 99.9mpg on the screen with yellow arrows only. :0)
If you teach high school in Long Beach, CA, I think you're pretty gutsy and I take off my hat to you. Last time I was in Long Beach, the new (ahem) arrivals trashed the place. An entire city gone in a very short time. I drove out of there and never looked back. Too bad, they used to hold some Formula races there. ZC1
And they still do every year. :0) I love Long Beach; I've never lived in any single place where there were so much diversity and local flavor. I've been a resident of Long Beach for 9 years now.
I also increased tire pressure (42 front & back). I get 58 MPG summer and 54 MPG winter on a 50 mile round trip each day - interstate is about 1/2 the trip.